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Our story starts with a "pure", crack head that fell asleep on her homework."Oh my ancients, don't eat the da- wait....what why would someone invite me to a chatroom? Oh well, sucks to them."

     Brokenbones has invited you to a chatroom


Unknown: why am I here?                                                                  

Who are you, and what are you doing in my swamp :FrogQueen

Unknown: I don't know who you are but you are amazing

                  WHO THE FUCK ARE YOU :explodey boi      

Unknown: I'm scared?

               Kachan leave them alone: Brokenbones

who are you and what are you doing here: Brokenbones

          Unknown changed Unknown to Nightmare

Nightmare: you invited us idot

                                                                                Oh shit, my bad: Brokenbones

                                                                              What do you mean us?:Hot&cold

Nightmare: part of my quirk is multiple personalities

Nightmare: it's a bit difficult to explain so I'll let Night

A/n: I suck at writing don't I >_<* this is my first "chat fic"  so tell me if you have any ideas about how to improve!

Storm: Peace

Nightmare: Later losers

Night: Bye

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 14, 2020 ⏰

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