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GUYS DID YOU CHECK OUT THE FAST 9 TRAILER? I have so many ideas for it, but I gotta get through 6,7,8 first lol

Bethany Anderson

The boys were to arrive shortly, and I've never been more excited to see Tej than in baby mode. I was dressed in a sports bra and jean shorts due to the warm air. Plus Baby O'Conner has been spitting up on every shirt that I own. Mia and I were sitting with Jack while I figured Dom, Elena, and Brian were welcoming Tej and Rome to Spain. I'm sure they gave them each a beer and are in the middle of the tour currently.

"Right here is Mia and I's -oh, and Jack's- room until the three of us head to the house. Well, Bethany will also be temporarily joining us as a helper," Brian's voice grew louder as the herd of people were headed this way. With the door of the room cracked, everyone peeked tot he best of their ability inside. Brian gave the door a slight nudge and it revealed the group of people that I loved.

"I'm basically a nanny," everyone chuckled as Brian gave me his dad look, before continuing on to his family.

"I missed you," Brian approached Jack and gave Mia a kiss, as I stood up to meet Tej halfway.

"Hey Tej," As the words left my mouth, his smile grew, and his arms wrapped around my waist in a tight hug.

"Ah Beth, I swear I couldn't get here fast enough," Rome groaned when Tej spoke, but I just kissed Tej's cheek.

"You're right on time, no worries! And I missed you, you bald headed ass-" I glanced at the baby and back at Roman now speaking in a whisper, "-hole."

Roman rolled his eyes before walking up to the little lady killer named Jack. I kept my back facing them because I only wanted to see Tej with him. My boyfriend not only giving me support, but gathering the excitement for himself had let me go to join Rome.

"Wow, you really are so little and handsome," Roman seemed amazed by the baby in his arms.

"I've never seen Rome speechless. Congrats to you two for making the one thing to do that," I chuckled along with everyone else who wasn't Roman Pearce. After the laughter had died back down, with small murmurs of conversation spread across the room, I was lost in my head.

The world thought of us as monsters, convicts, but we are a normal family, trying to make the best of life with what we got. Attempting to protect the ones that we love was our main goal, to stick together, and some get lost along the way.

I wondered what Letty would do. If she had been here, Elena never would have been in the picture, but then again, I wouldn't have gotten back with Dom. He loved her through everything, and right now, I was all that was left of her. She was never the best kid person to the outside world, but in our family, she tried so hard to make the kids like her. The younger boys always loved her based on her car knowledge. Hell, she played with them and their toy cars. Jack would've loved her like the rest, loved her more than me. I'm gonna make sure he knows about her, that I try to connect with him through cars considering that's all this family talks about.

"Babe," my head snapped back to reality as Tej called me, "are you good?" I nodded and smiled as he walked towards me with the baby.

"You washed your hands, right? Brian, did you have them do that?" I asked as B assured me that he watched them himself. "Great, we don't need a sick baby." Tej just shook his head at my words.

Jack grabbed my finger in his hand, moving his big blue eyes between Tej and I. "Our baby won't be this white, will it?" Tej's question had me squeezing my eyes closed in an attempt to hold my reaction in.

"Tej, really? A black man and a hispanic woman are not gonna make a white baby." Roman jumped in to be the smart ass that he is. "Why, is she?" He trailed off glanced at my stomach, but I rejected the assumption.

"No, he thinks he's practicing. But I think it's getting close to Jack's nap, and I'm sure Mia wants to rest a little more too." Everyone looked at me before heading out the room after their goodbyes to both Jack and Mia. Tej waited for me to walk out with him.

As I shut the door, Tej turned to me, "I don't think it was that hard, when's our turn?" And my response resulted in the 'are you crazy' eyes.

"Oh you just wait and see, Babe." I shook my head as Tej and I walked hand in hand down the hall.

So sorry that it's been this long. And that this chapter is so short. I actually bought the 8-movie collection and I haven't had the chance to go through and watch 6 again. Honestly I didn't want to end this chapter without getting more on track with the movie, but I just haven't really been in the mood.
I'm currently pregnant!!!! I'm due in September. You guys would think I'd have free time to write since this Covid trash is happening, but I've been trying to find a new job so I can save for the baby. Again, sorry to everyone that has waited for like a year for this chapter.
Please comment any suggestions, or just lmk how your quarantine is going. I'll be back as soon as possible. Thank you all!

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