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 There comes a special time in a young man's life... no, not that special time.

It was time for Anthony to learn how to drive. He wanted to be able to go where he wanted when he wanted. Pretty much everywhere he went was within walking distance for him, but nobody likes walking through the rain, as he'd often end up doing.

With our oldest four starting school in a few weeks, none of them wanted to ride the bus. The girls were definitely very supportive.

So with our blessing, and his sibling's help, he started studying the rules of the road. He read those books all day long. He made himself flashcards and posted them all over the house. On bathroom mirrors, all along the hallway, on random objects and on the door of the fridge. I'd hear him getting something out of there, and muttering to himself about how far away he had to be from a school bus when it's lights were on, and it had children getting on or off. When I took him down to the DMV, he aced the written test for his learner's permit quickly, and easily.

On his permit, he could drive as long as he had another licensed driver in the car with him. So over the next couple of months, pretty much everywhere Ness or I went, we let Anthony drive us so that he could practice. It was a little odd having my son drive me to Quil's house. Ness said the same thing after the first time he drove her to the grocery store.

He'd walk around the house, carrying his form that he logged his driving hours on, waiting for the day he'd driven enough hours that the great state of Washington deemed him ready to take the drivers test. He'd whip the neatly folded sheet of paper out of his pocket, always ready and eager anytime Ness or I had somewhere to go.

He was a great driver, better than me actually. He followed each and every rule of the road to the letter. I, on the other hand, may go ahead and make a right-hand turn on red, even if there was a sign saying not to. Only if traffic was light of course...and if Nessie wasn't in the car to scold me.

When he finally reached the required number of practice hours, he called to set up his test. He hung up the phone looking dejected.

"What's the matter?" Ness asked him.

"I have to wait a whole week!" he complained. "This is crap. It's pure, unadulterated crap."

"The Department of Motor Vehicles isn't exactly known for speedy service, son," I told him. Give it a while, someday he'll know the excruciating pain of going to the DMV just like all the rest of us.

"Maybe you shoulda called when you had like, five or ten hours left to go," Swan said. "I think that's what I'll do."

"Thanks, very helpful," he muttered.

That week passed by much, much faster for Ness and I then it did for Anthony. He'd taken the first appointment of the day. He'd heard that was the thing to do. Rumor had it, that if you are the first driving test of the day, the almighty giver of driver licenses was likely to be in a better mood, and more forgiving if you made a boo boo. The theory was, get in before they've had a chance to be annoyed by all the new potential drivers.

So bright and early, I sat in the DMV next to Mr. Sweaty Palms as he recited rules to himself.

"You're gonna be fine, A.J. just relax," I told him.

"I'm fine," he murmured, staring at the wall.

"Anthony Black?"

He was out of his uncomfortable plastic chair like a shot as soon as his name was called. He approached the man who strongly resembled a frog, with his documents in hand.

All Grown Up: The Story of Jacob and Renesmee Part IIIWhere stories live. Discover now