Chapter Eight: Reality Check

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"I'm just saying I'm over it. I'm over her attitude," Rosalynn sighs.

"We all are. But right now, we just need to focus on our survival plan," Ethan says.

The group walks down the stairs toward the main lounge.

"So do you guys have any clue what Rory wanted to talk to Milo about?" Flynn asks.

"No. I assume it was him being an overprotective boyfriend," Sara defends. "An effort to defend Rosie's honour."

Rosalynn rolls her eyes. She steps up onto the stair behind Ethan and climbs onto his back. He stumbles for a moment then finds his balance, holding her up.

"So what now?" Roselyn asks.


"Milo?" Sara interrupts.

Sara breaks away from the group as they get into the lounge, running to Milo's body. Rosalynn drops from Ethan's back, slightly shaking.

"Rory?" she asks. "Rory!"

Rosalynn takes off, running towards the kitchen.

"Stay with her," Roselyn orders to Ethan.

He nods and takes off, following Rosalynn. Roselyn runs to Milo, dropping down next to her chest. She pulls all her hair over one shoulder and leans down so her ear is next to Milo's mouth. She reaches down, taking Milo's wrist in her hands, feeling for a pulse. After a minute, she pulls away.

"Pulse and breathing are present. She's just unconscious. Milo, can you hear me?"

Roselyn pushes Milo's hair back, feeling her cheeks and forehead with the back of her hand.

"Milo, if you can hear me, you need to wake up," Roselyn calls out.

"Milo, please," Sara demands, her voice shaking. "Please wake up."

Sara shoves Roselyn's hands off of Milo's face, cupping her cheeks with her hands. Roselyn rolls her eyes and sits back on her heels. She looks back at Flynn, shaking her head. Flynn moves over to Sara and drops down next to her. He wraps his arms around her and pulls her away from Milo so Roselyn can keep working on her. Sara leans her head down into Flynn's chest.

"Milo, open your eyes for me, Sweetheart. We're worried about you."

Milo's eyes slowly flicker open. Sara pushes away from Flynn, taking Milo's face back in her hands. She drops down, pulling Milo into a kiss. Roselyn and Flynn meet eyes, both confused. Roselyn points at them and mouths 'Did you know?' to Flynn. He shakes his head and shrugs. Roselyn sighs and moves back to Milo.

"Milo, can you sit up please?" Roselyn asks loudly, hoping she's listening.

Milo lightly pushes Sara away, looking at Roselyn. With some help from the other two girls, Milo sits up.

"I want to check you for a concussion. Are you feeling okay to get up?" Roselyn asks.

"Sure. What happened?" Milo asks

"You got knocked out and we don't know where Rory is," Roselyn sighs. "We're going to make sure you're okay and then we're going to find him."

Milo looks around, her gaze slow and deliberate.

"Ethan and Rosie?" she asks.

"Rosie freaked out. She ran off to go look for him. I told Ethan to go stay with her," Roselyn explains. "But I need to focus on you right now. Let's get you up."

Roselyn jumps to her feet and takes Milo's arm. Both Flynn and Sara stand up as well. Milo leans into Roselyn's grasp, slowly getting up. Once she's on her feet, Sara takes her other arm and the girls start making their way into the dining room. Flynn follows them just in case they need an extra set of hands.

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