Chapter 19: Academic Help

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[I know it has been a Long time and I'm extremely sorry about that. I didn't manage to solve my privacy issue here with this account but I didn't want to keep you all waiting for what I started, the book that is in other words. So I decided to come back to finish this book ultimately for you and because I miss writing here. I did start another account to write but it didn't feel the same knowing this was where I first started. But anyways, let's get back to the story!]

No One's POV:

flashback of Seungmin's from Chapter 4  and 5 (Yes we are going back in time)

"All your As have been slipping to a "B" and even worse, a "B"" as he handed me the stack of paper which had my name of them. It was all my exam papers.

I felt so embarrassed as I took the papers into my hands. "You don't mind if I pair you with another of the top students you compete with to watch over you till your back on your feet again would you?" Every sentence Mr Yoon spoke felt as if a dagger was sent flying to my heart but I knew it was for my sake. "Yes, I think that would be great. Thanks Mr Yoon" He smiled and pat me on the back. "Great! The person I paired up with you will actually also be your dorm mate.

"Anyways, this is your dorm..." My eyes widen at what he said. "no way that means he is the person who was supposed to help me bring back my As?????" I asked fiddling with my fingers under the sheets. "Yes that's right dandy one. That "he" is me so you will be sleeping with me from now on" "Ouch" I hit Hyunjin on his arm glaring at him. "Do not joke like that" I exclaimed while I watch Hyunjin nodded and laughed lightly.

[End of Flashback] 

- - -

"Seungmin?" Seungmin could hear Hyunjin's voice calling out for him but he ignored him Seungmin didn't have time for hyunjin currently. He was busy with his Council work.

"Seungmin." Again hyunjin called out louder this time but regardless, he didn't get any response.

Seungmin's eyes widened as a pile of worksheets and textbooks was placed onto over all his Council and admin work on his study. "WOah" Seungmin's chair was spun around and he was met with Hyunjin's eyes.

"Urgh my work! What do you want Hyunjin?" Seungmin had his arms crossed clearly annoyed but was his glare turned to a softer one when Seungmin realised Hyunjin seemed more annoyed and pissed off at Seungmin's attitude.

A small "oh" left Seungmin's lips when Hyunjin pointed at the stacks of notes and textbooks with chapters with arrow post its.

"Seungmin you have to get back your As." Hyunjin sternly said slightly tugging Seungmin's hoodie.

"How about a No? Hyunjin can't you see I'm busy? Let me finish this admin stuff then I'll get back to you okay?" Hyunjin loosen his grip on Seungmin as Seungmin turned his chair back to his table shifting the notes and books aside.

Hyunjin went to their mini kitchen as he grabbed a glass of water slowly walking towards Seungmin leaning on Seungmin's back of his chair slightly moving Seungmin away from his table.


Cold water came into contact with Seungmin's table and admin stuff.

"Hyunjin........" Seungmin's eyes widen in shock. He didn't know if he was supposed to be angry he was stunned.

"Yes? Oh no your things are's okay! Let's leave it to dry and while waiting....let's go to the library and do some studying and not some papers that ain't going to pop up in your report card honey!"

Hyunjin grabbed Seungmin's arm lightly as he grabbed the notes and books with his other free hand toward the shoe rack.

"Quit moving Minnie" Hyunjin struggled to put Seungmin's shoes on as Seungmin refused to cooperate with him with his feet glued to the ground.

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