Chapter 5: The Leap

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#POV: Tweek Tweak.

I've been awake all night, worrying about Butters, he hasn't answered any of my calls or texts.

I have done a thing I haven't done in a very long month, PANIC.

What if he died or doesn't like me anymore or GAH.

I pull out my phone and I have one voicemail from a Private Number, maybe a kidnapper looking for ransom. I listen to the voice and to my suprise its Craig.

"Hey Tweekers, I have always liked you and I should tell you that more often."

I am gobsmacked, am I hearing this right he likes me.

WTF is happening today, I thought I knew my feelings but now they are even more messed up than usual.

Holy Shit, but it did sound like he was alittle drunk so I don't know.

I might just have to ask him tomorrow at school.

== Tomorrow at School ==

The one day he doesn't show and neither does Butter's for some weird reason.

After school, I go to the one place I can think, Starks Pond.

I sit there and look out onto the vast pond in front of me, it calms me in a satisfying way.

The way the water moves with the wind and the slight breeze in the air making this day beautiful. I take in one deep breathe of air and release

.I pull out my phone and message Craig back saying:

'Hey, Craig, I need 2 tlk 2 u, msg me bck thx.'

I wait for a while but no reply nothing, I wonder what is happening.

I start to make my way home after what feels like hours and pass the houses of both Butters and Craig but I did not even attempt entering or even knocking as there was no point as both of them probably don't want to even speak or see me.

I feel a slight vibration in my pocket, I check my phone and on the screen, it says:

'Ok dude, meet me at Starks in like 10min'

.Are you goddamn kidding me, I was just there. I message back:

'K cool c u thn'.

I turn around and make my way back to Starks Pond, doing a detour as to not pass Craig's house again.

I arrive there 10ish minutes later and to my suprise, he actually showed up.

He is sitting on a park bench looking out at the sun setting over the pond creating a nice orange glow over him.

He looks at me with bags under his bloodshot eyes, he looks terrible.

I sit next to him and he hands me a bottle of jin, I take the bottle and look at him confused."If you or I am gonna get through this we need a little something to take the edge off." Craig says gesturing I take a drink.

I do, I take the lid off and take a drink, it burns on its way down and I almost throw up but I hold it in.

Craig turns and laughs at me, he grabs the bottle out of my hand and takes a drink for himself.

A few more mouthfulls later we are both quite drunk. We talk about dumbshit most of the time, but then all of a sudden we turn to each other and lock eyes.

"W-w-hy did ya-you s-send me a voicemail last night?" I say with my words all slurred and I begin stuttering again."

What voicemail." He replies I hastily pull out my phone and show him the voice mail he sent me, I played it out for him

[A/N: I don't know if you can actually do this but yeah.]

He listened and says. "Oh, I remember now, it's because I like you."

With that, he leans over and kisses me on the lips. I feel a wave of pleasure and happiness shoot through my body but only for a second as it was over in seconds. Butters is better, but I feel something special when I am with Craig, something I never felt before... love.

He looks at me and says. "Listen, before Summer I cared about my reputation or something like that, I didn't want to be ridiculed or anything like that but now I don't care, I only care about you."I look him in the eyes as my vision turns blurry. "I like you too," I say as my head feels heavier.

"When you were with Butters, I guess I was jealous that is why I snapped all the time." He continues. "I need you.

"Okaaay..." I say slowly drifting off.

#POV: Craig Tucker.

Oh shit, he blacked out, I guess I'll take him home. I then remember he lives on the other side of the town, I guess he can stay at my house. I pick him up bridal style and slowly slog my way back home, with him in my arms.   

== The Morning ==

I wake up with a headache and a sore neck from sleeping on the ground, wait why am I on the ground. I look up to my bed and see Tweek asleep inside my bed.

Oh yeah, that's right. I get up and go into the kitchen to grab some food. Thank the heavens it's the weekend so no School for two days, I make some toast and a cup of coffee for Tweek.

I enter my bedroom to find Tweek awake, shirtless. I place the cup of coffee on the dresser and walk over to Tweek.

"Morning Tweek," I say with a smile.

"Hey Craig..." he replies confused. "How did I get here?"

"Uhh, you blacked out drunk so I carried you here," I say quite proud of myself, expected a thank you.

"Oh cool," Tweek replies, wiping the sleep from out under his eyes. "Is that Coffee mine?"

"Yeah go hard, it's hot so be careful," I say disappointed.

"I like my coffee like I like my men." He saids with a snicker.

I smile and look down at my feet. "Hey Tweek, about last night, I..."

"It's ok I know." He says not letting me finish ."Look, I was pretty drunk last night and I don't think we should talk anymore, again." I replied looking down at my feet.

"I remember a lot from last night and I am pretty sure that when you are drunk you speak the truth," Tweek replies staring at me. "Look, I think you are trying to shield yourself from the hate but no one will mess with you after what you did to Cartman."

"Yeah, I guess your right," I say now looking Tweek straight in the eye. "How do I know if this is the right thing to do?"

"You don't." He says placing his hand on my shoulder. "It's a leap of faith."A single tear rolls down my face as we pull together in a warm hug.

"Take a leap with me." Tweek says as he holds me closer towards his bare chest."Ok Tweek, I will." I say finally letting someone in to thraw my frozen heart.

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