Chapter 1...

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~~~~~~~Rylee's POV~~~~~~~

"AH!" I yelled as I tripped over my own foot and fell down the last couple of stairs. That's what I get for rushing...

"Rylee?" Jordan called, appearing at the top of the stairs. He caught sight of me groaning on the floor and laughed a little before helping me up. He's the greatest friend, right?

I hobbled away quickly, ignoring the slight pain in my ankle. "Mind making me some oatmeal?" I asked over my shoulder, searching for my shoes.

"Why are you in such a hurry?" he inquired, doing as I asked.

"I have an audition," I said simply, tugging on my multi-colored DC's.

Jordan raised an eyebrow. "For?"

I grinned, finally focusing on my best friend completely. "Hopeless Records is trying to create a new band. They called to see if I was interested."

"And, of course, she was," Christofer finished for me as he walked through the door. Yeah, he had a key.

He smiled and crossed the room to pull me in for a kiss. Jordan focused on stirring my oatmeal.

"Ready to go yet?" Chris asked when we broke apart.

"Almost." I limped over to Jordan and sniffed the food. "Smells good, Jordy."

The boy grinned. I ignored Chris's look of annoyance. Despite the fact we'd been together for nearly four months and I'd been living with Jordan for a little over three, he still tended to get jealous from time to time. Sometimes it was cute. Other times, such as now, it was just bothersome.

"So why are you limping?" Chris asked.

I took a bite of oatmeal. Jordan answered for me. "She tripped and fell down the stairs," he chuckled.

My boyfriend grew concerned. "Tripped? Over what?"

I swallowed before responding. "Air..."

Jordan's laughter became uncontrollable. Chris tried not to join him. I lightly smacked my best friend on the back of the head, ate about half of the food in my bowl, and dragged my boyfriend to the door. "Bye Jordy!"

"Good luck!" he called, laughter apparently subsiding.

I smiled. Life was good.

~~~~~~~Chris's POV~~~~~~~

I smiled as I drove Rylee to her audition, humming along to the music playing: All Time Low. Ever since she had met them on our last tour, she had become a pretty big fan.

Speaking of tours, I was extremely excited about my upcoming tour with EATMEWHILEIMHOT!, my screamo-deathcore band. I was going to ask Rylee to go with me. Which was why I was so happy.

She noticed. "What's up?" she asked, giggling slightly and linking our fingers together.

"Well..." I smiled mischievously. "How would you like to go on tour with me?"

Her eyebrow lifted slightly. "Another tour?"

I shrugged. "Yeah. EATMEWHILEIMHOT!'s first tour."

"Sweet!" She grinned, as did I. I knew she'd like the idea.

I'd love to take her on the road with me, and, as much as I'd hate to admit it, getting her out of Jordan's house for a few months was a definite plus.

It's not that I'm jealous. Although, having her live with me would be great. And it's not that I don't trust her. I really do. It's Jordan I don't trust. I'm sure he likes her, and I'm a little afraid he'll try to take her from me.

I don't think I could stand losing Rylee. She was amazing. She never failed to make me smile, even when I was grumpy. And ever since we started dating, I hadn't smoked or done any drugs. That's good, right?


"Huh?" I snapped out of my thoughts. Apparently I'd parked a while ago and just sat there thinking.

Rylee laughed and lightly tapped my head. "Everything alright up there?"

I smiled. "Of course babe. Now go blow them away with your singing."

She grinned giddily and leaned over to kiss me. "I shall try! See you later!" The girl practically dove out of the car and skipped into the building. Alex Gaskarth held open the door. Oh yeah, I forgot this was All Time Low's record company.

Well, I hope her new bandmates are nice to her. (God I sound like the mother of a kindergartener.)

And that they don't try to steal her from me.


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