Everyone's Gay For Denki

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"So... Kiri..." Denki said slowly, still not showing his face on the whole class group call. "Yknow how we were talking about how none of the guys in our class seemed gay?"

Everyone saw Bakugou flinch slightly. Everyone saw Sero looking away from the screen. Everyone saw Todoroki bite his lip. Everyone saw Kirishima's eyes flash with a small hint of worry.

"Well last girls night me and Mina decided to do a thing..." Denki continued. "Well I'll see you all at the party!"

Denki left the call, leaving the whole class confused and slightly worried at what Denki and Mina were planning. Before they had a chance to question the pink girl, she too left the call along with the rest of the girls in 1-A.

"Guys... I think we should be slightly concerned..." Kirishima muttered before leaving the call to get changed for the party.

Denki seemed to know everyone's secrets. Bakugou had recently come out to Kirishima as gay and the next day Denki was round his dorm discussing who in the class seemed gay or not. The red haired boy had been very uncomfortable throughout the entire conversation and he could tell that Denki sensed that but still continued. Why though?

Then there was the whole thing about Denki attending girls night. He'd been different since then, acting more... feminine. It shocked the class but now they were mostly used to it. Though Kirishima couldn't help but wonder whether Denki was trying to achieve something from all this.

Arriving at the party a few minutes late, Denki and Mina saw that the rest of the class were already waiting for them outside the hall. It was a party for all first years and while most people just arrived when they wanted to, 1-A had decided to all meet up outside the hall so they could walk in together.

"Perfect." Mina whispered, walking forwards and bringing the class's attention to her with a loud, "sorry I'm late! Me and Denki lost track of time gossiping!"

"Where is that dunce face then?!" Bakugou asked impatiently.

Denki poked his head around the corner, making sure to have the slightly embarrassed flush on his face like him and the girls practiced. He then walked right around the corner and stood there for a moment, looking down to the floor and putting his acting skills into place.

Several jaws dropped and everyone's eyes widened. There stood the blond, wearing a black, spaghetti strap dress. There was a ribbon around the waist and a black rose on it. The dress was flowy and came to just above his knee. The girls had plaited the front of his hair on the right side and straightened the rest of the hair, making it look more layered and slightly less spiky.

Denki, looked up slightly and saw everyone was staring at him.

"We gonna go in or not?" he asked, pretending everything was normal.

He walked forward and pushed his way through his classmates, brushing his hand against some of the other boy's hands and made his way into the hall. Again, people stared wide eyed at him as he walked towards the corner of the room and sat down on the floor, hugging his knees to his chest and pretending to be embarrassed.

"Are you sure that's Kaminari?" Mineta murmured to Mina, still staring at him.

Mina smirked and replied, "Of course. I helped him get ready. Doesn't he look gorgeous?"

To that, the girls only response was silence while the purple haired perv continued staring at Denki.

Jirou and Momo skipped over to Denki and dragged him onto the dance floor. They were dancing and having fun together in no time and the blond boy had attracted even more attention. He didn't exactly look completely female because of his body shape and he still had his deep voice but several people in the room began questioning his gender. Most were just questioning their sexuality.

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