11➳ Hands

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„That’s the thing. We don’t know each other.“, he starts again, „And I’m apologizing for my messed up life right now. But I’m not like that. I’m still trying to figure everything out. But one thing I’m not gonna apologize for is kissing you. Because that was one thing that felt right. And I just hope you don’t regret it either“

I swallow. hard. I didn’t expect him using such words and to be honest it kind of touches me. 

„I don’t“, I say, looking up to meet his grey eyes, glancing down on me in the dim light of the lantern. And god, even though my brain tries it’s best to convince me I shouldn’t get attached to him, every cell of my body screams that I want to be with him. 

What do you do in such a situation? 

If you don’t want to listen to your head or your heart, then where do you go?

His eyes never leave mine and despite my inner conflict, I realize his lips have turned into a huge smile. „Good“, he mumbles, taking a step forward so he’s now alarmingly close, his face only inches away from my own. And suddenly, I’m not so cold anymore. He’s slightly taller than me and I can’t help but think about how he had to bend down when he kissed me, or rather how I kissed him. And how his lips felt against mine. One simple move of him would be enough right now to make me soften up again, unable to resist. But he doesn’t really move, he just looks at me with this smile of his. 

„Tell me about yourself“, he says in a soft voice. And I raise an eyebrow before laughing lightly. „There’s not much to tell“, I mumble, shrugging. He shakes his head lightly, smirking. „I bet there is“. 

Somewhere in between our conversation we have started walking again.

„Well then ask me something.“

        „Okay so… What do you do?“

„For living? I’m a chemist“

        „I’ve heard of that. But no, I’ve meant what you do that makes you happy.“

„Like what my hobbies are?"


„Uhm let’s see… I love creative things. I like reading funny quotes and listening to songs with meaningful lyrics, and music in general. Well and I love to dance. I started when I was four and I still do it with all my heart.“

        „You dance? That’s awesome. What kind of dancing?"

„Pretty much everything. Preferably hip hop and modern-jazz“

        „Well I’m not gonna ask you to teach me something because I’m pretty sure I would embarrass myself endlessly“

I laugh, glancing over at him. „I used to teach actually. But I’m not gonna force you to become a dancer.“

He chuckles. „Good.“

        „You used to teach? Why did you stop?“

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