Chapter 2

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        Scootaloo was under guarded watch.she was given two hours to think of something.after an hour she asked to see Rainbow Dash.

        When Scootaloo was with Rainbow Dash she said"Instead of using the pegasi to make the rainbows.We use them to help make the rainbows."

        "I'm sorry kid but what are you getting at."Rainbow Dash said.

         "what i'm saying is instead of using the pegasi o make the rainbows,we use earth ponies and unicorns.Especially the ones that are on to us."

        "That is the best idea i have ever heard."

        Rainbow Dash looked at Scootaloo like the plan wasn't going to work"How are we going to get them up here."

        "Don't worry I thought you were going to say that.The first pony we get is a unicron.Then we get more untill we have five unicorns and earth ponies.There will be a unicrn with each group of pegasi at a time."

        Rainbow dash siad "this is the best idea i have ever heard."and shook hooves with Scootaloo.

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