What To Expect: A Summary

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Harry Potter spelled backwards is rettoP yrraH, which doesn't make any sense. Just like this book.

Hi, I'm ZaraIsNotHere (Zara for short). This is my first ever Harry Potter fan fiction, and considering my laziness and tendency to procrastinate, it'll probably be the last.

Before you dive into the story, it is of crucial importance you read this explanation real quick. (A table of contents, if you will.) Now, I know what you're thinking. "Zara, I just wanted to read a fanfic, I didn't sign up for a newsletter." And my answer to that is yeah, me neither. So without further ado, let's get to it.

The Story

You are Harry Potter's wing(wo)man. It's your job to help him get a date for the upcoming Valentines ball, which is only two weeks (fourteen days) away. But here's the thing: will you actually help Harry, or will you attempt to sabotage him? The choice is yours.

Getting a date

There are seven main love interests in Winging It (which will be revealed in chapter one). As stated in the previous section, you have fourteen days to win a love interest's heart. Each love interest has a "love score," represented by a seven-heart meter. To get a good ending, you have to have a certain amount of hearts in someone's heart meter. (Note: it's not the same amount for everyone). There is one love interest who requires a full heart meter to get a good ending with them. For the time being, it won't be revealed who this is. So make your decisions wisely.

Increasing & losing heart points

Each day will offer you a chance to gain heart points that will affect the way Harry's love interest perceives him. At the end of each chapter, you will be left with a dilemma. You choose what will happen in the next chapter by voting. It's worth mentioning that there is no right or wrong, only consequences.

Once you've pleased a love interest enough, you will gain half a heart on the heart meter. A good ending will require a specific amount of hearts, however, the amount of hearts won't be revealed to you (yet).


There are three different types of chapters: a school day chapter, a weekend chapter, and an intermission.

A school day chapter takes place from Monday to Friday, and will give you the opportunity to increase/decrease love points with multiple love interests. Gaining a certain amount of heart points with a love interest will unlock unique events for in the weekend.

In a weekend chapter you will get the opportunity to have some alone time with one love interest. As always it will give you a dilemma at the end, and choosing correctly will give you more heart points than a regular event would. However, this also means that choosing wrongly will deduct more heart points, depending on the choice.

An intermission can barely be called a chapter. It shows you important information on how you've been doing so far. It includes...
- How many love points you have with each love interest
- How many days you have left until the deadline
- Some remarks about how you've been doing so far
- One or two useful tips


Each love interest has a unique good ending. All the bad endings are basically the same. There is also an ending for a successful sabotage (note: a failed sabotage will give you a good ending), and one secret ending, which makes a total of 10 different endings.


Rule 1: You can only vote for one choice, and only once. If I see you voting twice, I'll only count your first vote.

Rule 2: Do not abuse or bully anyone in the comment section. You will face consequences if you do.

Rule 3: It's okay to be upset if your choice loses. But directing your anger towards other people is not.

Rule 4: If there is a tie and there are no new votes, after a while I will pick which one is going to happen.

Rule 5. Bare with me, and please be patient. I actually have a life outside of Wattpad and I am certainly NOT going to update everyday.

Rule 6: As I'm writing this, I don't know how many people will actually read this book. I'm assuming this story won't get many reads, but it would really help if you share the book with your friends! That way, more people will vote for choices and chapters will come out faster.


And last but most certainly not least, we have the tutorial. It'll give you four questions, each having multiple answers to choose from. Answer the questions by commenting, for example: "1B, 2G, 3D, 4A". Your answers does... literally nothing. It's just for fun.


You lay down on your bed with a sigh, staring at the ceiling. Your Sunday afternoon couldn't possibly get any lamer. To kill boredom, you decide to go through your roommate's stuff, just for the fun of it.

While looking under your roommate's bed, your eyes land on a face-down magazine of some sort. Intrigued, you decide to pick it up. However, your eyes widen when you realize what you're holding in your hands, a dorky grin playing over your lips.

Oh Merlin, this is a teenage pop quiz...

You start laughing hysterically at the thought of your roommate actually making one of these. Once you settle down, an idea suddenly pops up in your head, and you smile mischievously.

Surely they won't mind if I help them out a little..

And with that, you pick up a quill from your roommate's desk, dip it in ink, and let your hands and your dumb sense of humour work their magic.

Question 1: The world will end tomorrow... what will you do today?

A) I'll play one last game of Quidditch with my team.
B) I'll finish my novel... whoever comes after the end should know my legacy!
C) I'll drop everything I'm doing to spend my last day on earth with my friends and family.
D) Nobody ends the world but me! I'll end the world today.
E) I'll send a letter to all my beloved ones, telling them how much I'm going to miss them.
F) I always live as if there were no tomorrow... so who cares?
G) Honestly, I would lose my marbles.

Question 2: If you were an ice cream, what flavour would you be?

A) Strawberry.
B) Spicy chocolate, no... chocolate ON FIRE!
C) Lemon.
D) Rainbows and gummy bears.
E) Vanilla.
F) Bold of you to assume I eat ice cream.
G) Success.

Question 3: You find a genie in a bottle. You can ask for whatever you want. What do you ask for?

A) His friendship.
B) Infinite confetti!
C) To be the most powerful wizard/witch in the world!
D) A butter beer. No... two butter beers.
E) More wishes.
F) Wisdom. Knowledge is power, after all.
G) You coward. Ask for all of the above.

Question 4: What would be a killer accessory?

A) A necklace with your own name... In case you forget!
B) Coolness itself.
C) Money.
D) Sunglasses... at night.
E) A fabulous purse made from the skin of your worst enemy.
F) A knife. (Get it? Killer accessory?)
G) An uno reverse card.

After filling out the other questions, you close the magazine and scribble something on the front.

"hey bitch i filled in the quiz for you, ur welcome :) also wtf you actually read this shit? lmao i'm gonna tell everyone now k bye"


Update: I really hate how that turned out, but you get the point.

And that concludes the explanation. (I hope I didn't forget anything) If you have any more questions, feel free to ask! I'm always happy to listen. Thank you for taking the time to read this! I hope you all have a nice day!


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