1. The Perfect Someone

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"Well?" Harry said eagerly, awaiting your response. "Do you know someone?"

The raven-haired boy sitting next to you seemed to be oblivious to the current tension in the room, and although you refused to look up at him, you could feel those verdant eyes of his staring at you. You rub the back of your neck sheepishly, your smile twitching. For some reason or another, you're only realizing now that this conversation could lead down a very risky path. And with that came the belated recognition of your present danger.

A faint yet unignorable voice in the back of your head tells you that you probably shouldn't tell Harry that you think the perfect date for him would be his arch nemesis. Then again, referring to Malfoy as his "arch nemesis" in the first place just goes to show how much of a drama queen Harry could be sometimes. Without further hesitation, you look up at him and respond, as subtly as possible, "I think I do... I'm just not sure if you'll be very fond of them."

Unfortunately for you, this only piqued Harry's interest even more. "Really?" he commented, his emerald-green eyes widening slightly in excitement. "Well, who is it? Someone I know?"


You have been dreading Harry's question. Uneasy with the current situation, your face starts to heat up. You lift your hand to feel your cheek; it was warm to touch. Trying to avoid this particular subject, you propose, "How about I describe them to you?"

Harry gives you one of his typical confused looks™, raising an eyebrow. "You're making me guess? Alright then..."

At Harry's response, you put a hand to your chest and heave a sigh of relief. "Now that I think of it, I really don't know him that well, actually," you mention, pausing to search for something—anything to say. "It's quite hard to get a handle on him. It's like he goes to the beat of his own drum."

The boy you were describing, Draco Malfoy, is familiair to pretty much everyone at Hogwarts. The reasons are plentiful. First, there's his undeniably stunning good looks. Though it pains you to be so frank, it is uncommon, almost rare even, to come across a truly attractive male student in Hogwarts. There are a ton of good-looking boys in school, but you can probably count on your fingers the number of beauties at his level. And on top of all that, his family is bloody wealthy. Rich doesn't even begin to describe how opulent the Malfoys are. In short, Draco stood atop nearly everyone in his year in combination of appearance and wealth. It would've been mad if he wasn't well-known.

"So it's a he..." Harry remarks, a slight smile played across his lips. "What are his interests? Oh, does he play Quidditch?"

You silently nod your head. "And from what I've been told, he's very good at it, too."

"Oh? More so than me?"

"I'm not entirely sure... but maybe?"

Harry tilts his head slightly downward, clearly deep in thought. "Well, this narrows down the list of names..." he mutters to himself. "Why can't you just tell me who it is again?"

"...I'm afraid of what your reaction might be..."

It surprised you how easily the words came. As if Harry wasn't curious enough already, the expression on his face showed that he was now truly intrigued.

"(Y/n), what do you mean?" Harry asked after a long period of thinking. You smile weakly, and let out a nervous chuckle. "W-wow! Is it hot in here or is it just me?"

"What? No it isn't. It's rather chilly, actually..."

Ignoring Harry's disagreement, you make your way over to the nearest window and open it up. You can't help but smile in awe as you watch the snowflakes fall, meeting the mountains of other ones scattered about on the ground and clinging to trees, rocks, and everything in sight. Everything was white. But with the beauty of the snow, however, came the horrible cold.

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