One heart, two heart-No heart

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'Oh Steven..' Spinel thought as she watched the somewhat young hybrid walk side-by-side with her. She could never get her mind off of him, it was as if he was glue in her mind, and he just stuck there, being with her in her own mind.

Today was a very special day, at least for Spinel anyways. Steven just wanted to sit down and rest for the day, and hopefully get his mind off of everything that was going on, which meant for Spinel, that it would just be Steven and her, alone, together...  

Spinel felt a sort of warm, melting feeling in her gem, which in return, made her blush softly. 'Why is it that every time i think of Steven i get this feeling.  What even is it? '  She thought to herself, looking down at the floor as the two walked.

"Hey Spinel, are you alright?"Steven asked.

"Hm! oh uh, yes, yes i'm fine!" Spinel replied quickly so Steven wouldn't get worried about silly old her.

"If you say so Spinel" He said, smiling ever so softly at her, which made her smile back at him as the two stopped at pinks room. Steven activated the door and stepped inside the pink, spacious room. Spinel followed behind him, deactivating the door behind her. 

As the door closed, she heard Steven plop himself on his bed, making a gowning sound as he went down, he seemed tired so maybe Spinel could get close and comfort him again, letting him cry on her should, letting her tell him that everything will be okay, just like he did for her. She could get close and cuddle him, feeling his warm body against hers, listening to everything her has to say.

Spinel was quick to rush over. Steven wouldn't suspect how happy she was to rush over to him, since his face was buried deep within the soft blankets.

She laid her hand on his back and slowly rubbed him in tiny circles, then, ever so softly and slowly, she laid down beside him and cuddled him. 

Steven didn't really suspect this so he slowly turned over to is side to have a look at Spinal and ask what she was doing, but he couldn't, she had rapped herself around him like a python, going once, twice, five times around him. He head leaning closely on top the back of his head. He was stuck.

Spinel leaned close to his ear and whispered that everything would be okay. Steven was confused though, he wasn't feeling sad, maybe he looked or seemed sad thought, he didn't really understand what was going on, but one thing was for sure, Spinel was enjoying it quite a lot, unknowingly letting her upside-down heart gem dig deep into Stevens back, which made him wince, but Spinel didn't seem to notice, well, not until Steven said "Please, Spinel, You're hurting me" With a quiet town in his voice, which sounded like he was in pain.

Spinel quickly jumped off of him, watching as Steven slowly got  up and sat cross-legged on the bed, rubbing (or at least trying to) the part of his back her gem cut into him. Spinel quickly apologized, saying that she didn't mean to do that or hurt him and that she was so very sorry, but before she could continue in her words, Steven turned around and said that it was okay, and that we all make mistakes, and as long as she doesn't do it again, everything will be okay.

His words made Spinel feel a lot better, his words always did, but right now wasn't the time to think about herself, she needed to help her Steven.

She remembered on some TV shows were someone would get hurt a bit and another person would kiss the wound to make it feel all better, so Spinel thought she would do just that.

She crawled her way to Stevens back, lifted up his jacket and shirt, and before Steven could stop her, she gave the somewhat clear heart shaped marks on his back a kiss, and she did it again, and again, and again until Steven turned around and stopped her, though she didn't properly understand why.

"w-what are you doing Spinel!" He said, his voice getting a little louder towards the end, which caused Spinel to tear up a little.

"i-i was just doing what t-those people do on da square picture box. Ya know, when da person gets hurt and anotha person comes and gives it  a kiss, and it makes em feel betta. i-i jus thought i could do that to you" Spinel said, her voice getting shaky as she looked away from Steven as she slowly started to cry.

Steven chuckled a bit, which caught  Spinel's attention pretty quickly. She gave a confused expression towards Steven as she looked at him chuckle.

"Oh Spinel, i appreciate your attempt and maybe it worked a little, but i'd rather you don't in the future, or at least tell me first" He said, holding her hand as he looked at her.

Spinel looked at him and  blushed, deeply. She made her Steven laugh out of her mistake, and that made her feel.....good? oh god, what was going on with her. She leaned a little closer to Steven, and then a little closer, and then, by the time she knew it, their noses were touching. She couldn't control this feeling, it was as if her inner demons had taken the controls and pushed her to do it, or maybe it was her own desire. 

All she knew next was that their lips were touching and that it gave her this....feeling, of wanting more, so much more. It happened all so fast, but she didn't mind, and it seemed Steven didn't either.

Then, their lips parted, though she didn't want them too. They both looked at each other, both blushing deeply. 

Steven turned his head away quickly. "oh god, i um.. i'm really sorry Spinel, i uh...i didn't know what came over me, heh" he said, but it only went through one ear and out the other, she wanted to do it again, and forever and ever. She wanted more of this feeling Steven gave her, she craved it, she needed it. She wanted Steven for her and only her, he was her desire. 

She lifted Stevens head up by her hand, and looked deeply into his perfect eyes before giving him another smooch, but it didn't last long this time, as White's chime echoed though the outer hallways and room. 

Steven so very carefully put Spinel to the side, which she didn't like that much.

White stepped into the room. "Oh Starlight, i have such wonderful news!" she exclaimed.

"oh uh, couldn't it wait till a little later? i was uh...just in the middle of something" Steven said, but White seemed to have ignored his request.

"Now now Starlight,we mustn't keep Yellow and Blue waiting, they are all to thrilled to see you again, and it'll just be us four !" White bent down to grab Steven, and lift him up, putting him on her shoulder.

"but what about Spinel, i- we can't just leave her here alone!" Steven inquired 

"Well, i'm sure there will be a lot of other things she can do while we are away. Now, let us not waste anymore time!" White said as she began to walk.

Spinel quickly hopped off the bed, racing towards Steven, but it was no use, the door closed right in her face, causing her to fall backwards and land on the pink ground.

Some of the pebbles arose from the ground, and tired to comfort the now crying gem, but it was no use. Her Steven was gone and she was incomplete...........        

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