Chapter 3

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                                                                              ~Juvia's P.O.V~

        "H-Huh?" I sat up and rubbed my temples. Ugh...I feel I'm in an oven or something...

        "Oh, Juvia, you're up," Gray was over by a sink rising out a towel. Gray-sama~ He's wonderful...wait a sec, why is Gray-sama here? And where is here? And why the heck am I in a bed?! What's going on?!!

        "Wh-Where is Juvia? And why is Juvia in a bed?" I asked groggily. head is KILLING me...

        "Oh, this is my house." Gray looked over his shoulder and cracked a tiny smile. G-Gray-sama'!

        "G-Gray-sama's house?!" I coverved my red face. "P-Pardon the intrusion..." The ice mage walked over to the be I was currently laying in and sat in a chair next to it. He pushed me down, forcing me to lay down.

        "You," Gray said, pointing at me,"need to sleep, you've got a pretty bad fever. Almost 100*F." He put the wet towel on my forehead. I blushed.

        "A fever...?" Oh great, I've gone and gotten myself sick and troubled Gray-sama into tacking care of me...Baka Juvia! I blinked a few times. "N-Ne, Gray-sama, why are you being so nice to Juvia now?"

        "Huh? What do you mean?" Gray asked in a monotone voice. 

        "W-Well, whenever Juvia tried to approach you previously, Gray-sama would just run away or ignore Juvia..." I frowned a bit. 

        "" The ice mage stared at the ground. Oh no...he's going to say something bad, I just know it...

        "HEY GRAY YOU BETTER NOT BE DOING BAD THINGS TO JUVIA!" Lucy yelled as she kicked down the door.

        "L-Lucy?!" Gray turned and stared at his kicked down door and the fuming celestial spirit mage. He glared at the blonde girl. "WHY THE HELL DIDYA KICK DOWN MY DOOR, DON'T YOU KNOW HOW TO KNOCK?!!" Oh my, Gray-sama seems to be upset...what should I do??

        A blast of fire came bursting over the head of two angry mages. "Yo, Juvia, doing okay in there?!" Natsu called as he ran up the path, Happy, trailing behind.

        "Hey, Juvia, I brought you a fi-"

        "OI, FLAMEBRAIN! YOU TRYIN' TO KILL US ALL?!" Gray shouted angrily to his rival/friend. Natsu, slightly confused about why he was being yelled at, glared at the ice mage.


        "YOU WANNA GO?! LET'S GO!" Gray stripped himself of his shirt and got into his ice make stance. The fire dragon slayer reponded, igniting his fists. Waaaaaaah~ Gray-sama's dreamy~ As the two prepared to fight, a new face appeared and whacked the two knuckeheads.

        "That's enough out of both of you!" Erza thundered with a deathly glare on her face.

        "A-Aye!" The two immediately shushed. The red-haired mage cleared her throat.

        "Anyways," She turned to look at me. I was sitting up now due to all the ruckus though my head was killing me. "Juvia."

        "Y-Yes?" I stuttered.

        "Are you okay?" She asked with a calm expression. I nodded skeptically.

        "H-Hai...arigato, Erza-san..." I mumbled. Erza smiled.

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