Chapter four

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~~~~One month later~~~~
3rd person**
Viinyx And Grayson had been dating in secret since that day. In her own way Vii wanted to make sure Her and Grayson were serious enough before she endured her family knowing. She knows her family will take it seriously and she wanted to take her time preparing him for them. The couple wasn't serious in alot of people's eyes; Never having meeting each other's family. But in their eyes they were in love; made for each other.

Vii's Pov
"When am I going to meet your family babe?" Grayson said while turning towards me. We were at our favorite spot the lookout I had showed him about a month ago. I sigh knowing that the longer I waited the more they would be mad.

They were already suspicious, I got caught sneaking out a few times, hickeys I had passed off as bruises/curling iron burns. My friends covered for me as I had always did for them. It wasn't that I was embarrassed of Grayson, I was just worried they wouldn't like him.

Again it was just me overthinking things, there was no reason to think that. He was a great guy, loved similar things as them. I had never brought a guy home for them to meet if I'm honest I was scared it would be another Jax/Tara thing. Where are they wouldn't approve of him. I didn't want that.

"Babe? I promise I'll be on my best behavior they'll love me" Grayson said as he smiled and crossed his fingers. I laughed he was such a goof. He made me so happy. "Gray they will love you. I mean they're already suspicious, They all know something's up. I just hate having to sneak around" I groaned turning over to look at him.

He was propped up on his elbow looking at me already. "Well I wonder who's idea that was" he says in a sarcastic voice pulling me closer and kissing me. I started giggling as he climbed on top of me as he kissed down my face to my neck. I sigh happily underneath him, "Okay fine. We're having a family dinner tonight. I'll bring you that way if that way you can meet everyone sober" I say laughing.

He looks up from kissing my chest "You think that's a good idea? Just bringing me to a family dinner ? I don't know about that babe. I'll be intruding" he says slightly pouting.

I smile at him "No you won't I promise. You said you want to meet then don't chicken out now" I say smirking. He stops kissing and comes up to my face "you saying I'm chicken?" He says joking with a eyebrow raised. I bite my lip from laughing as I shrug "maybe". He starts tickling me until I tell him to stop, both of us laughing as our worries In the world dissolve.

On cue my phone rings i look at the the I.D of course it's my mom. I show him and his eyes widened and he rushs me to answer it. "Hello?" I say slightly out of breath from laughing. "Hey baby I know your not planning on skipping family dinner. Don't make me send the boys after you" She says laughing into the phone. I laugh "of course not mom, I'll be there in a bit okay. Also is it okay if I bring someone?" I say smiling at Grayson biting my lip. He looks worried yet excited already. "Uh yeah I guess baby. Is it one of the girls? I miss there crazy asses". I roll my eyes nervously smiling "No its not ma, I'll be home in a bit I love you" as I hang up before she can ask who it is.

Grayson looks at me "oh man now I'm nervous" he says laughing. I kiss him passionately and pull him closer "it'll be fine I promise. They'll probably just embarrass me, ask some questions, pick on you a bit. They'll love you Gray I promise" I say looking into his eyes. "Well let's get going then baby"

*3rd person At the house*
Gemma looks down at her phone in amusement as she walks into the living room when everyone was watching the football game.

Clay pulls her into his lap "Well is my babygirl coming?" He says as he kissed her cheek. She looks at him "Yeah they're on there way actually" he looks at her confused. "i don't know baby she asked if she could bring someone and I asked if it was the girls and she said no and hung up before I could ask" she said slightly laughing. He looked confused for a second wondering who his daughter was bringing.

"Maybe she's finally going to bring that secret of hers" Jax laughed as he spoke up from the other side of the room. There was a round of laughter from the guys. "About damn time she's been hiding him for a while" chibs speaks up drinking from his beer. "Maybe it's not even a boy, maybe it's a secret girlfriend" Tig jokes from his spot on the floor. Another round of laughter is heard.

Clay shakes his head not knowing how to feel about his baby having a boyfriend. "Oh baby, I'm sure it'll be okay" Gemma says as she kisses him. He pouts jokingly "I don't want her having a boyfriend tho" as he crosses his arms. "Trust me you ahve nothing to worry about pres nothing's going to happen to her. We're basically all bodyguards" Opie says with Donna on his lap. They all agree nothing would ever happen to their babygirls on anyone's account.

*Viis Pov*
Driving home with Grayson I tried not to let the nerves get to me. Blaring and singing along to music holding hands he smiles at me.

Turning down the music laughing as he catching me off guard. "Are you okay baby? I think your more nervous than me" he says still laughing. I laugh along with him "of course I am, it's best to rip the band-aid off like this, make you need them all at once" as I point out the next left he needed to take.

He knew where my house was already from him picking me up and such. He sighs as we pull in and gives me a tight smile. I smile back at him grabbing his hand "let's do this we're already late as it is" I say as I laugh. We get out of the car hand in hand and start walking towards the front door.

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