Chapter 131 - 135

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RBDLS BB MTL Translation and 101novel (for offline reading only, not mine)

The 131th chapter 3.0 system and magical mind

When Yuanxi heard the prompt, he quickly opened the system panel. It was very curious what the system upgraded to 3.0 was like. .

Seriously looked at it, the general frame structure has not changed, but the details are much more delicate, the border is still faint and some dark lines, it seems more pleasing to the eye.

The main panel is still a long row of life skills, arranged on the left side of the main panel is the sub-panel, the top is the friend system, followed by the inheritance system, the third is the gray system store still under construction. At the bottom, there is actually another sub-button.

Yuanxi points up and prompts: "Heart."

Yuanxi stunned, it seems that this is the extra function after the system is updated. Mind is a skill, but there is no list of skills in the main interface, but a sub-interface is opened separately, which seems to be useful.

Yuanxi did not immediately click on the sub-interface of happy surgery. Instead, he first looked at other places and wondered if there were any other functions in this update.

Looking at it carefully, there is no big change. It seems that it is really just updating the interface of the mind. Yuanxi is somewhat curious, and the mind is just a skill. How can I still use such a big move?

He took this curiosity to open the sub-interface of the mind, and I really couldn't imagine what would happen here.

But this was just a little open, and he was shocked by the whole person.

It’s really amazing, it’s beyond what he can understand!

There is nothing in the sub-interface of the heart, or everything. When he opens, the whole person seems to be quickly spreading out. There are too many things to perceive, rooms, guards, starships, and even vast areas. Starry sky.

All of them are displayed in his eyes. At this moment, he seems to be standing in the clouds, possessing the eyes of God, and seeing what he knows is beyond his imagination, full of unreal feelings, but the truth is Really can't be more real.

This time only stayed for a short time or so, and then his perception quickly recovered and returned to the lounge again.

Yuanxi smashed for a few minutes before he digested the experience. Although it was only a minute, the amount of information he received was very large, and everything he saw was in the brain, and there was no such thing. Forgotten.

When I was relieved, the shock in my heart did not fade. He remembered it again. He felt that he had become a so-called god in a minute. He didn’t need his eyes, but he could do everything. Look clearly and listen clearly. The most important thing is that no one can find his gaze.

Yuanxi took a deep breath. He immediately thought that Ye Heng would definitely be updated. I wonder if his heart is the same as him?

He tried to use the communicator to contact Ye Heng, but still no one answered. Yuan Xi couldn't help but feel nervous, but then let himself relax. Ye Heng is in the battlefield. Every battle is fast-changing and there is no time. It is also normal to view the communicator.If you can't contact Ye Heng, you can't know his thoughts. Yuanxi decided to try again. Speaking of it, it doesn't feel bad. It's just a little powerful and shocking. It's out of the body, only the perception. The situation is not what words can describe at all.

Yuanxi calmed down a bit, only once again opened the interface of the mind, as in the last time, after just opening, the field of vision suddenly rose, this time he can even clearly feel his thoughts rushed out of the lounge , rapid outward spread, channels, ladders, cabins, main bridge, and then a bang, across the shell of the Ben Lei, spread into space.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 06, 2019 ⏰

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