Chapter one// pain

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Noah's P.O.V
I woke up to the sound of a gun being fired.
I hear my mother scream bloody murder. I start to get scared and I crawl under my bed. The gun shoots again.
Suddenly my mothers screaming stops. I begin to cry quietly but it doesn't work. I scream out for my mom but she does not answer. I do the same with my dad and once again no reply.
I start to hear footsteps come closer to my room. They stop at my door and my door slowly creaks open. The intruder walks around my room as if he is trying to find something, then I realize that something is me. I stay still under my bed I don't make a sound. What felt like forever but in ten minutes the intruder left and fled from the sene. I quickly go to my parents room and try to wake the up and then I realize the are dead. I cry even harder and climb into bed with them. I cuddle up with them. I hear people bust open my door and come into my house. Scared out of my mind I get under the covers and keep still. "FBI,COME OUT SO I CAN SEE YOU!" Some man with a raspy voice says. I peek my head out and see the man he has a gun. He notices I am scared by it and he drops it. "I'm not going to hurt you I'm here to help you." The man said calmly. I get out from under the covers and start to cry. He picks me up gently and takes me to the police station. The nice woman at the counter asked me if I knew any family members numbers, then it hit me. The only family I had left, my moms sister and her husband.
*wakes up*
My cheeks burn and I had tears streaming down my face. It was a nightmare. I was only 6 when my parents got murdered and now I'm seventeen almost eighteen and I still have nightmares. I try to forget what happen but it's so hard. I'm so caught up in my thoughts that it takes me a while to notice my stomachs growling. As I try to get up I feel a sharp pain in the arm I was trying to boost myself up with. I roll up my sleeve and see cuts all up my arm with some dry blood on them. Then I try to remember what happen yesterday. Oh wait, how could I forget?...

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 16, 2014 ⏰

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