Updated Autopsy Report: Part 1

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It was late at night and (Y/N) had just finished up a report on a homicide victim that had come in. She was the new Coroner and was getting used to the job and weird hours. Just as she started cleaning up, she heard the door open. She gasped and jumped to see Prosecutor Miles Edgeworth walk in, his usual frown and cold eyes on his face.

“J-Jesus, Mr. Edgeworth…” she said “You scared me. It’s 2am, what are you doing here?”

“You must be aware that I have a trial to attend tomorrow and we still haven’t received your report??”

she sighed, this wasn’t the first time he had done this.

“Yes, sir, I know. That’s why I’m here at this time of night with corpses. You must understand that I just received the body yesterday, and it does take time to make sure I’m accurate? Also, I have until 6am to deliver my final report…”

“I don’t much care for your nonsensical excuses, Coroner…” he said standing before her, he was quite tall and, not that she’d admit it, very intimidating, “Do you have the report or not?”

“Ugh…yes, here it is…”

(Y/N) walked over to her computer, she had just submitted it to the database, making it locked in and official. She printed a copy off and walked it over to Edgeworth. Staring coldly into her eyes, he snatched the report from her. In an uncomfortable silence, he stood there for what seemed like hours, reading every word, studying.

“…I must hand it to you, Ms. (L/N), I quite prefer your method of reporting to that of the late Harry Bernstein.” He was the previous coroner. “Everything well thought out, neat, straight to the point….hmm…so it wasn’t the gunshot wound that killed him?”

(Y/N) shook her head. “No sir, That was done post mortem, presumably to cover up the fact that he was suffocated.”

Miles kept reading.

“…suffocated with a soft object… presumably a pillow…why do you think it was a pillow, Ms. (L/N)

With her gloved hand, she handed him an evidence bag. He took it, studying the contents.

“A feather…”

“I found it in the victim’s throat.”

“This…this changes his wife’s story completely. She testified that there was an intruder and that she saw them shoot and kill her husband.”

“More like she probably wanted his life insurance money and did away with him herself, trying to cover it up… but what about the gunshot to her own chest? She obviously didn't die so I didn't examine her.”

“It was on her right side, not her left, closer to the shoulder, it didn’t hit any organs… I’m thinking it was self inflicted, detectives never did find the gun, but maybe that’s because she threw them off…”

“She didn’t want them suspecting her or searching the house more than they had to…”

“Precisely, Coroner…if I were a betting man, I’d say the murder weapon is still somewhere in the house. I will talk to Detective Gumshoe regarding getting another search warrant, I’m also going to need the trial pushed to next week because of this new evidence.”

“Not that I’ve known you long, sir, but I don’t think Ive ever seen you so excited.”

“This has been wracking my brain, I couldn’t sleep tonight, to be honest, so I came here hoping that you’d have an answer for me, and you did. I must thank you.”

“It’s my job, Mr. Edgeworth.”

“Maybe so, but good help can be hard to come by. Your predecessor was horrible at his job. I cringe to think of how many criminals walk free because of some detail he had overlooked.”

“Ahuh… well, I’m glad you have your answers, Mr. Edgeworth. I have been up for 20 hours and am exhausted so if you’ll excuse me, I’m going to put in the order to get our friend here picked up and sent to the funeral home his sister requested, then I’m going night night.”

“How can you sleep at a time like this? We must go check the house at once!”

“That’s not my job, sir, go wake up Gumshoe…”

Miles watched as she walked over to the phone and made a call. She then hung up.

“They’ll be here in 30 minutes, I’ll get security to let them in…”

She took off her gloves and washed her hands. She then grabbed her bag and walked out, Miles following her.

“You aren’t curious as to what will be found at the crime scene?”

“I am curious, I’m just exhausted…this is my car here, sir, have a good night.”

Miles stood there a moment and watched her drive off. His heart felt like it was beating faster. Her put two fingers to his neck, checking his pulse.

“…I must be coming down with something…” he grumbled as he made his way to his car.

Author's note: More to come :)

Updated Autopsy Report: Edgeworth x Reader Where stories live. Discover now