The hurt

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Jungkook POV:

I look to see Jin already asleep on top of me, he really is something. The reason why I didn't wanna sleep with him wasn't because it would be weird but was actually that I know I wouldn't be able to control myself. For some reason, this person has that control over me. He could literally tell me to jump off the cliff and I'll do it with a smile on my face. I peck his head before detaching myself from him and leaving the room. I can't sleep so I decided to get some work done. Dad has been temporarily working till i recover but it's suppose to be his time off so I decided to help him out with some presentations. I turn my computer on and start getting to work. After a good hour, I stretch my body from sitting in one position. I usually have some alcohol in the drawers somewhere, I know I shouldn't be drinking giving my condition but I think it'll help me sleep. I open one of the drawers and I find a tiny royal blue velvet box. I pick the box and open it to see a huge diamond ring with the initials J.JK + K.SJ written on the side. Was I going to propose? It must've been really serious since I've never even thought of getting married. Suddenly I feel bad for jin, he has to live with me knowing I don't have any of our memories together while he does. I don't even remember my own daughter. I have tried remembering before but it just causes a big headache nothing else. "Why are you up?" I hear Jins voice and I look up to see Jin standing by the door rubbing his eyes. "Oh I couldn't sleep so I decided to work" I say standing up. "Jungkook the doctor told you to rest" he says walking towards me. His eyes land on my hand where the diamond ring box is. Shit I should've put it away when I saw him. "W-what's that?" He says pointing towards the box. Should I lie? The before me would've kicked my ass for ruining his surprise. "I think it's an engagement ring" I say passing him the box. He takes it and removes the ring from the box and tries it on. Oh no, I'm gonna have to break his heart again. "It looks good on me" he says smiling. "Jin-" "jungkook it's okay, I was just trying it on and look it fits don't think too much about it" he says awkwardly laughing as he takes the ring off his finger and puts it back on the box. "Here" he gives it to me and I know he's upset even disappointed. "I didn't know you were going to ask me to marry you." He says before stuttering "I-I mean not you the previous you, you know what I mean" he chuckles while caressing his belly. "I'm sorry jin. I know you expected our relationship to move forward but it's stuck because of me" I say with a sad smile. "It wasn't your fault, plus it's not stuck. Our little princess is still growing and on her way" he says smiling at his stomach. I couldn't help myself from kneeling down and kissing his belly. "I can't wait to meet you" I whisper against his stomach. "You should go back to sleep jin" I say smiling at him. "What about you? Aren't you coming?" He asks with a hopeful smile. "No you should go" I say getting back to my computer. "Jungkook are you-" "just go to bed jin" I say slightly louder than I intended to and I saw jin flinch. He leaves slamming the door. Great now he's mad at me. Why is he so stubborn anyways!

I open my eyes to realize that I fell asleep on my office desk, my back is literally killing me because of my sleeping position. I get up with a stretch and walk outside. I walk towards the kitchen where usually Jin is cooking breakfast but I don't see him this morning. There's no breakfast on the table too. Is he still upset about me yelling at him? I walk towards the guest room but he's not there either. I look inside my bedroom and see him sleeping..... with my hoodie on. Oh I fucked up! I shouldn't have yelled at him, he was just trying to take care of me. I walk towards his sleeping figure and I could see his eyes are puffy. It tugs my heart seeing him like this. I cover his body with a blanket before laying next to him and taking him in my arms. This is where I belong, with him. I push his hair behind his ears as I kiss him nose and then his cheeks. "I'm sorry for yelling, I was just really stressed I shouldn't have taken my anger out on you" I whisper against his head. I close my eyes and sleep immediately invades me. I groan as I feel a heavy weight on top of me. I feel something wet on my neck. My eyes widen in surprise as I see jin on top of me sucking my neck. "J-jin what are you doing?" I say as I push him slightly to face me. Even in the morning he looks so ethereal. "I just want to pleasure you" he says before he attaches his lips to mine. This feels wrong for some reason. I push him again with some difficulty since he wouldn't budge. "Jin you should stop" I say and I see his hurtful expression before he gets off of me. "You don't want to kiss me anymore?" He says with his eyes already turning red and watery. "No I do but you told me yesterday how you didn't feel comfortable sleeping with me. I want to respect your decision" I say getting up as well. "Well I changed my decision but looks like you did too" He says wiping his tears. "No jin it's not like that" I say holding his hands. "Then What is it like? You yell at me one day and then push me away from kissing you the other how am I suppose to take all of this. And I know that you lost your memories and I'm so sorry that you did but I'm trying here. I really am but why aren't I getting the same efforts from you?" He says with tears streaming down his cheeks. "Jin I'm sorry about last night I didn't mean to raise my voice at you. And I don't want you make a decision for my sake if you're unhappy with it." I say cupping his cheeks. "I thought I could help you by sleeping with you. But you don't even want that" he says scoffing. "Jin-"

"I think I wanna go stay at my moms for a while. I need some time away from you to think some things over and you clearly do too."

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