Chapter Eight

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Sorry for the lack of updates. I don't want you guys to give up on me, thanks for still reading. Something like this shouldn't happen again. But, I am a student so I'll try to warn you guys if school gets hectic. Thank you for understanding. ❤️

Chapter length: ~3.7k 🙈 words

"Well, well, well. I shouldn't be surprised, now should I?" I said casually as I situated myself in the seat across from Ricky. Gross, it was warm.

Ricky blinked as though he didn't recognize me. But, then he inhaled sharply as he looked between me and the man beside him.

"Uh-" he began, but I only cut him off.

"You know," I interrupted. "I thought you liked him. Or, at least all that possessive energy you were throwing my way when we first met was conveying that. And you claim to like Miguel but you're out here with some guy, acting all flirty." I couldn't help how smug I sounded. He had fucked up and I was glad I was there to witness it. Wait 'till I told Mike all about this. Maybe he'd realize how annoying Ricky was and that he wasn't the guy he should be wasting any time with. It wasn't like I didn't think Mike should be in a relationship but it just didn't seem like Ricky deserved him. That begged the question of exactly what kind of partner Mike deserved, and my mind couldn't come up with an answer right at that second, but it just violently protested the thought of Ricky being close to anything that Mike should be around.

"And why on earth do you think I'm cheating on Miguel, Derrick?" Ricky's eyes narrowed as he frustratedly bit out the words. He was a naturally pretty guy, and to see his face contorted in anger reminded me of a kitten trying to act menacing.

The guy beside Ricky blanched. "Woah, this is not a date." He was kind of scruffy, but in a way that seemed somewhat manufactured. He had dark eyes and dark hair and naturally seemed to be brooding, what with some of his dark hair falling over his face.

My eyes narrowed. "Well, of course the mistress would say that."

"Mistress?" The guy jerked his head in surprise. He let out an annoyed click. "I'm just meeting Ricky and-"

"Mike is a wonderful person," I held up my hand to finish speaking and addressed Ricky. "I can't believe you would do this to him!"

Ricky ground out the words, "I cannot believe you are this stupid. You won't even listen!"

"Excuse me?" I said, glaring at him. "You were fondling strands of his hair?"

"That's not even the correct way to use the word fondling. And can you, like, I don't know, leave?"

I whipped out my phone, getting ready to text. "After I tell Mike about this, I'll be on my merry way."

But before I could even dial the number, I was interrupted.

"Derrick?" Two voices said in unison and I looked up to see Ira, and Mike.

Seeing them together was something of a shock to my system. Ira was a little shorter than Mike, and slender where Mike was more built. They were both dressed casually and they both looked good. But, looking between them all I could see were the differences. I could appreciate Ira's pale skin over the angular plains of his face, and the way he moved like music. How he moved to his own natural and smooth rhythm, the way his dark eyes always seemed to dance and the quickness of his smile. But, if Ira moved like music then Mike was like a thundercloud. Something that couldn't be contained and that you couldn't help but notice. Just like a vein of lightening would startle you, Mike had those moments, too. Sometimes it was the softness of his eyes or his smile or even his laugh. And for some reason I couldn't stop staring at Mike.

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