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Jeno:"Johnny pull harder!!!"
Johnny:"I'm trying!!!"
Jeno:"Try harder!!!"
Johnny:"oh for fucks sake this isn't working!!"he finally stops trying to rip of the leaves and lies down on the grass
Jeno:"Taeil hyung!!Please help us out!!"
Taeil:"you called?"he suddenly appeared
Yuta:"holy shit!Where did you come from?"
Taeil:"I'm Moon Taeil.The three chosen one's fairy godmother"
Yuta:"that actually exists?"
Taeil:"yes it does.Now dear.What is it that you need?"
Jeno:"we found the tree but the leaves are impossible to rip off.Even the owner doesn't know how to do it"
Taeil:"oh.I thought you already knew.You have to cut it with a tree's root"
Yuta:"but that's planted deep in the ground!"
Taeil:"you do know we have powers,right?"
Taeil:"we can dig a deep hole in just one second then cut a root in another"
The eldest points his palm to the ground,as close to the tree as possible,then it starts glowing,a hole suddenly showing all the roots and animals hiding under there.He points his other hand on the same spot and focuses on one root,then snaps his fingers and a root floated towards them.
Taeil:"and done"he moves both his hands behind his back and the big hole was gone.
Yuta:"why didn't I get powers?"
Taeil:"you got super intelligence and understanding"
Yuta:"yeah but powers"
Jeno:"Taeil hyung.Will you do the honors?"
Taeil:"I think the owner should try it out"
Yuta:"okay so...how many do you need?"
Taeil:"give us 15 big leaves"
Jeno:"and don't forget to cut some for your research as well"
Yuta:"ah you're right"

Jeno:"Taeil hyung.Yuta said that if we want the leaves he has to join our journey and he gets unlimited access to our nature books"
Taeil:"well that's a great deal!You must be very nice then Yuta"
Yuta:"can't talk"he says as he tries to cut the leaves as nicely as possible
Johnny:"are the two done already?"
Taeil:"they have just arrived back at the castle"he says as he looks at a cloud,showing the two's whereabouts
Jeno:"we're done as well!Thank you Yuta!"
Yuta:"no problem.But can you zap us into the castle.My back hurts"
The three chuckle at the Male then move towards him
Taeil:"is this your first time?"
Yuta:"yes actually"
Taeil:"then close your eyes"
They went through a black portal and Yuta regretted not closing his eyes

Yuta:"what was that?!?!"
Johnny:"he told you to close your eyes"
Yuta:"I didn't expect to see animals with no eyes looking at me!!"
Jeno:"you get used to it"
Mark:"who's this?"he suddenly popped up
Yuta:"what is with you people and suddenly popping up?"he says as he holds his chest
Jeno:"this is Yuta.The owner of the rare trees at the end of our barrier.He gave us the leaves and he wants to join our journey...also he has unlimited aces to our library"
Mark:"that's not anything special thoe..."
Jeno:"he is super nice so we may-Who's this?"
Kun:"hello.I am the leader of the abandoned nature world.Call me Kun"
Johnny:"I'm Johnny,the head guard.Will you be joining our quest?"
Kun:"yes i will.I have heard about the angels being kidnapped and I am close to Chenle,so i will do my best to help"
Taeil:"that's great!!We also have all the ingredients for the underwater spell"
Jisung:"how long will it take for the spell to be complete"
Taeil:"well the spell is a potion you will have to drink.Se we should go to my lab and make it there"
Jeno:"do we need anything else?"
Taeil:"patience.You never know when the spell is going to be completed.It could take 5 seconds...or it could take 5 hours"
Jisung:"we don't have time for that!!"
Yuta:"listen kid,You heard the man.He can't control the potion and so can't you.So you either suck it up or stay behind"
Jisung:"listen here Japan.I'm royalty.You aren't.I can make you do things your mother couldn't"
Mark:"Jisung.Behave.He's right.If you want to save Chenle you're gonna need to be patient or you won't come with us at all"
Jisung:"I don't have patience when it comes to Chenle!!If we don't save them,they're gone!!Do you understand that?!If we lose 5 hours and who knows,how long it takes to get to hell,we may lose them forever!!"
Jeno:"Jisung that's enough.You stay here until we make the spell okay?We will have Taeil zap you to us"
Taeil:"enough child.You heard your brother.I will zap you to us when we finish the spell"
Jisung:"fine.Be quick"
Kun:"don't push it kid"
Jisung:"alright alright jeez"
Everyone disappeared except the youngest.
He sat on the ground and just stared at the ceiling
Jisung:"Chenle-ya...are you doing okay?I miss your laugh so much.I miss your hugs and smile and just you in general.Please be patient.We are trying our best to get to you...all of you...we're gonna save you"

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