Chapter 25

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It takes me long to open my eyes it's like they're refusing to wake up. My body is heavy, my head is heavy. I hear some voices around me but I can't recognize them or even telling if they belongs to women or men.

I don't care. The only thing I want right now it's to sleep. Forever. But someone wants me awake. Shoutings. Yellings. Cries. That's all I'm able to register. Nothing more.

Time passes and the pain is coming. First through my feet, my legs, my stomach but the worse is my head. It's like someone would take it between they hands and squeeze it tight, more and more after every seconds. It's also difficult for me to breath normally. My nose must be broken because I can't take a breath from it. But this pain seems so low next to my head that I'm not even paying attention to it. What does also hurt me is stomach but it's a different kind of pain. It isn't hunger. It's worst than this. I have cramps that are coming as fast as they're disappearing. It only lasts a few second but it's awful.

I'm not laying and I'm surely not at the same place where I fell asleep. I'm on a chair, sitting. I can feel the wood on my bare back. It's cold. My head is maybe burning but the rest of my body is totally freezing. I can't barely move my arms nor my fingers.

And even if my eyes are now open, I don't understand where I am. But something I'm able to hear and comprehend is the beeping of a monitor. The exact same one I heard yersterday or a few hours ago. I don't know how many time passed since I've arrived here. Not that I care. I'm already dead. I saw some reports on TV or movie which talked about kidnapping. The first twenty-four hours are the most important. Because there is still a chance that the person who was taken is still alive... or something like that. I actually never really pay attention to this sort of things. I look TV for the news but there are so much horrible and terrific things in this world that I almost all the time zap to a stupid serie or a documentary on animals or food... and... who cares? No one.

I concentrate myself on the beeping. There is something more. Something that I didn't hear last time. A breathing. A slight one but still one. I follow the sound with my eyes and they fall on him. Greg. He is laying next to me. He looks like he's in a coma. How is this possible that I saw him in my dream? I've never seen him before, right? This is so odd. I can't explain it.

Well, my dear boy, there is so much things that you can't explain. Your strangeness to start with. Right.

I'm tired. Tired of everything. I want to sleep so bad. My head is heavy and my eyes won't stay open long from now.

"What did you do to him?" Someone shouts not far away from where I sit.

"Put your gun down, boy." A raspy voice orders, but in a strange tone. Between amusement and bordome.

"I won't." The same someone as before tells.

"Boy, if you wanted to scare me you should have bring your friend and mostly the agent. You're alone with a little gun that I'm sure you've never used before. We're five, professional and-"

"I don't care how many you are. I don't care at all. I want to see him, now!"

Niall. That's Niall. He came. He came here. Wait. Wasn't he in jail? How did he come here so fast?

"I'll give you a choice." The old man says. The man that acutally didn't care a bit about me. All he wanted was Niall. I don't know why. But he was just interested in him. That's why Tom recognized him the first time we've seen each other at my place. Did they meet before?

Well, obliouvsly, Harry. Dumbass.

That's not the question or the matter right now. Niall is here. Here. Which means... he's in danger. Why the fuck am I attached to a fucking chair while he's there surrounded by four totally mental men who only want to play with people sanity. I can't do anything to help him. He came here because of me. I want to be near him. If we die -which I'm supposed we will- I want at least be next to him. I want to see him. I want to capture his beautiful face in my mind again. I want to loose myself one last time in his blue pearls. I want to feel butterflies in my stomach. I want to smile foolishly after hearing his laugh or even his voice. I want to hold his hand. I want to have goosbumps all over my body. I want to shiver just with the touch of his fingertips on my cheeks. I want to feel his lips on my skin, on my mouth. I want my lips to be swollen by his kisses. I want his hair tickle my neck while we're hugging. I want to feel a pain in my chest that isn't because of the punches but because of my heart that is beating too fast. That's what I want. I don't care if they kill me after that.

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