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I averted my eyes back to the table, placing my hands on my lap

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I averted my eyes back to the table, placing my hands on my lap. Something was definitely wrong with this man, he was dressed in the same exact black clothing those men that Carter killed were dressed in.

"What's wrong now?" Carter asked, picking up on my nervousness.

"Nothing." My voice came out as a mere whisper.

Carter continued typing in his phone not really paying attention to anything while the suspicious man sat in the booth behind me. I slowly reached inside my back pocket to grab my phone so I could text him about the guy behind me giving me the creeps but before I could do that the sweet lady brought out our food.

I kept my hand in my back pocket, frozen, trying not to make fast movements so I wouldn't call attention to myself

"Thank you." I said.

"No worries." She said with a thick Italian accent.

Carter started to cut up his pancakes, I blankly stared at the food in front of me.

I kicked him under the table, he cocks up his eyebrow at me. I tossed my head back receiving an odd look from him, he still wasn't getting it. I bit my lip in frustration, this man is a killer but a sloppy one at that. I tossed my head back even harder, he peeked his head over the seat gently standing up while doing so.

"Shit." He whispered.

I knew it.

I was full on nervous, my fingers were playing with each other while my palms drip of sweat.

This would be a horrible way to die especially with him.

That's when the panicking started, Carter quickly realized that my breathing pattern was off. He touched my cheek grabbing my attention, he was showing me how to inhale and exhale, I followed his example. He tugged into his pocket and pulled out a gun.

Oh my fucking god, no way

I shook my head side to side, his hand that was placed on my cheek was now holding my chin up.

"Run." He says loudly, I didn't waste no time I tried to run far from the table but I only got a few inches away from the table before gun shots started to be fired.

I curled in a ball on the floor, my head was tuck in between my knees. I was shaking in fear and surprisingly I wasn't being shot at, I heard someone yell. I was brave enough to turn around thinking it was Carter but it wasn't instead it was the older woman, she was laying in a puddle of her own blood.

I quickly crawled over to her while placing my hand on her open wound. She was bleeding a lot so I dug my hand over the wound adding pressure to stop the bleeding but it wasn't working.

"No." I said. She started gasping for air while blood poured out from her mouth. "You'll be fine."

Her smile started to fade away and the warmthness of her skin started to acquaint with bitter coldness. I can't let her die, I need to do something. I ran over to the shooting range where I spotted Carter hiding behind a table. I didn't need to know this lady to know it was wrong, she had no involvement yet here she is bleeding to death.

"Carter." I shouted trying to grab his attention.

He saw me and the blood covering my entire body and he immediately shot the guy in the leg, the guy fell down. Carter clanked his gun over the man's head, knocking him out completely.

He sprints over towards me, his hands went towards my stomach where her blood was at, he thought it was my blood, he thought I was shot.

"No, no. T-the lady, she was shot." I stuttered while pulling him towards the lady. He got on his knees to check her pulse, his head hung low when he pulled his finger off her neck. I stood there on my two wobbly legs, she was gone.

"No" I whispered. "I can save her." I pushed him out of the way and fell to my knees next to her, trying to add more pressure to her wound.

"She's gone, Isabella." He says emotionless like he didn't care at all. He picked me up off the ground, forcing me to stand up while he dragged me away from the women.

I lifted my hand up just to slap him across the cheek, his head leaned down from the impact of my hard slap. "It's your fault she's dead." I said, angrily with hot tears falling down my cheeks.

Carter looked bored with my statement, he seemed to be unfazed by everything that was happening.

"I fucking hate you so much." I cried while slamming both my small fist against his strong chest.

He grabbed both my wrist stopping me from hitting him any longer and yanked me closer to his chest causing my hair to wave over us. "I don't give a single fuck about this woman, I rather it be ten plus old ladies then you. I would kill every old person in this fucking city if it means you'd be safe."

"You can hate me as much as you want but you're still alive and that's all that matters." Carter whispers in a harsh tone.

His face was inches away from mine, his tuff face slowly relaxed and he loosens his tight grip around my wrist.

My blood was plumping through my head making me squeamish. I starred into his eyes, his eyes were my favorite part of him and his freckles. My hand softly tried touching his cheek that I just abused but his hand caught mine before I could touch him. I bit my bottom lip, it was like a child getting caught stealing candy. He showed my hand the way up to his cheek, I softly touched him. His eyes fluttered close, I'm pretty sure it was the adrenaline pumping inside of me.

I pulled away from his touch, staring into his dark, empty eyes that were roaming my face.

"Isn't she your step-daughter?" A voice came from behind us, we both jumped and turned around.

"Shit and I thought I was fucking twisted." The guy he knocked out a couple minutes ago was now standing in front of us with a gun pointing directly at us.

"You know who I am?" Carter asked. I was shaking in fear like crazy and when I heard his voice I pulled at his arm warning him not to talk, I was worried for him.

"The famous Salazar. Who wouldn't know about the devil himself." The lunatic guy laughed. "You killed your father for the cartel business, you became a leader, you became the most powerful, dangerous creature on earth." The guy says.

"Very well, that means you know perfectly well that I will not hesitate to shoot your raisin of a brain." Carter growled, it was like a vicious monster took over his body.

"Maybe or maybe I'll just fuck your step-daughter since she seems to like older men best."

"Lay a finger on her and you'll see hell a lot faster." Carter placed me behind him, I peeked over his shoulder.

"Ci vediamo all'inferno, diavolo." The disgusting man laughs before aiming the gun at Carter. (Translation: I'll see you in hell, devil)

My heart stopped when I heard the gun shots being fired, Carter shoved me back with all his strength making me slam hard against the wall causing my head to bang against it.

"Carter...." I whispered while falling unconscious.

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