Chapter Fourteen

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Exactly one week ago, Kai Chisaki- also known as the mafia boss Overhaul- had been having a bad day. He was once again having to deal with heroes and their disgusting performances. To say he was over it was an understatement. It didn't help that the hero commission was attempting to track him down and put him out of business.

The person they'd sent after him this time had been unfit for the job. Muscular, but no brains. He'd taken the poor man out in an instant. There was no coming back from what was left of him.

Overhaul hummed as he sidestepped the bloodied ground, reaching over the man's remains to pick up the bag the man had with him before dying. He opened it up, surprised to find files about something regarded as XE-7. Apparently, on top of trying to take Overhaul out, the man had been tasked with delivering files back to the hero commission. How unfortunate that he would never be able to make it.

It wasn't the files themselves that shocked Overhaul. No, it was the contents inside. A world without quirks? One that was nearly as advanced as this society? The concept seemed impossible to wrap his head around. A world without disease truly existed... and the hero commission was attempting to find a way there. According to the files, they were currently experimenting with the multiverse theory. And those experiments included attempting to pull someone from that universe into theirs. The current target was unknown, but it was nothing that he wouldn't be able to find out. He had spent his entire life researching quirks, after all.

Overhaul took the bag, heading back to his lair. He had been lucky to find this today. Perhaps he could find a way to go to this world himself. He figured that he could make a lot of money off of some of the things he was creating.

It wasn't until two days later that he'd found out about you. His informants told him about a strange journalist who had suddenly appeared at UA, the details behind your appearance being kept under wraps. Using what he found out about you, he tried to look up your legal documents, only to find that none existed. It didn't take a genius to find out that you were the one who was pulled into his universe with project XE-7.

So, he sought you out, using two of his... lesser subordinates to trap you in an alleyway and stage your rescue. You felt indebted to him- that much was confirmed via your phone call with him. He'd given you his business card in hopes that you would seek him out again, grateful for him saving you from the diseased. He was pleasantly surprised to find that his hypothesis had been correct.

Not to mention the fact that you were quirkless. That all but confirmed the fact that you were the one he was looking for. You were untouched by disease- and from a world of other people who were pure, too. It helped that you were so easily manipulated. He figured that with your quick attachment to Eri, if you tried to go against him, he could just use her as leverage. It was the perfect plan.

He still wasn't quite sure what he wanted from you, but he knew that it was favorable to have you in his grasp. It was better him than the hero commission... but you didn't know that. Perhaps he would have to play up his role, pretending to be a "good guy." Surely it would be beneficial for you to trust him, even if he had to use more... untruthful ways in order to achieve that.

He had explained all of this to Kurono, who had agreed with his plan almost immediately. They would use you to find out about this other world. This society without disease. And once you trusted him, he could use you as a way to find out more about Project XE-7. With your sway against the pro heroes, he would be unstoppable. It was only a matter of time until he had the world he wanted.

All he had to do now was wait.


The next day, you were told to wait outside of UA for Hawks to arrive. To say you were nervous was an understatement. You didn't like the winged hero at all. And while you knew that he was another victim of the system, you knew that it didn't excuse any of his actions. But perhaps you were being hypocritical. You did work for a murderer, after all.

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