You are lost

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You don't feel the same
You don't think the same
You don't talk the same
You don't do any thing the same
Your not right any more
Your just started cutting
The last time you did it you loved it
You said you would never do it again
You told you boyfriend you really think he is the one
You told you bestfriend that you would not dare take you life
You made a mistake
You cut again
You feel lost
You feel hated
You feel unloved
You feel sad and scared
You wanna go
But you don't wanna leave that one person
You sit there wondering and looking at your arm thinking could I do this again
You feel bad but then you don't know what to say
You need help
You wanna talk to your mum
But you don't know what she would say last time she went nuts
You can Hadley talk
You just feel like every thing is shit
You start crying
You think that you have time to go they will not know!
You take that class and cut down
Blood comes down and it dose not stop
You cry more and more
You don't know what you have just down!
The next time you wake up your in a bed and your mum is holding your hand and says you going to be fine but you know there is going to be more times you going to do this !
So you just sit there and listen !

You think this is the end

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