Tadatomo x Reader

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Tadatomo and you had a strong bond together since the both of you met, he was very loyal to you. But when he left you felt a little bit lonely, he told you he would be gone because he wanted to prove his worthiness to you, which you thought was unnecessary, but once he thought he was ready, he would come back. You still met each other by pure coincidence because you were on the same mission.
You felt like you needed Tadatomo, but you didn't want to force him onto coming alongside you and making him feel like a hindrance, so you thought you'd give him the time he needed.

(Inside your guild)
You were in your guild with your friends, everyone was minding their own business, Shiro was reading some books, Kengo was fighting with Hanuman and Tsathoggua was eating snacks with Ryota.
It was quite the mess in the room, you wanted to rest but everyone was so chaotic, even Shiro, that was reading out loud so he didn't have to listen to Kengo and Hanuman's screams.
Shiro snaps since he can't bear with their behavior anymore, so he screams:
"Can you all shut up!? I'm trying to read here! Make some silence all of you!" 
Kengo does not really like Shiro's bossy personality and says: 
"Man you don't have to be so harsh y'know?" 
"Can we continue Kengo?", Hanuman adds as if nothing had happened.
"Sure thing!" Kengo says.

Shiro let's out a "tch" sound and starts reading even louder, both Ryota and Tsathoggua put headphones on so as to not hear anything, and Kengo and Hanuman keep fighting.

You keep staring out the window, trying to ignore them, but you can't, so you just stand up and say:
"I think I'm going outside for a walk."
Everyone looks at you.
You don't care, the only thing you want to do is get out of the tension and relax, so you open the door and head out.

You just kind of walk around and see where your legs take you. 
(Time skip)

You end up in the park where you and Ryota once met, on the way, you bought some snacks on a stand in order to eat them later. You had put them in your bag and you were sitting on a bench when all of a sudden you hear: 
"Is that you, my lord, (Y/N)?" You look at the person that said that, and it turns out it was Tadatomo. You grin and greet him with a smile, you then say:
"I'm so happy to see you, what are you doing here?"
Tadatomo looks at you, still standing and answers you.
"I just came here to have a break, my lord, all the business is driving me pretty mad."
You look at him and say.
"You don't have to call me "My Lord, you know? You can call me Y/N I already told you." You then ask him, "Hey why don't you next to me, some company wouldn't hurt anyone!"
Tadatomo nods silently and sits beside you, your heart is beating fast, he is so close to you. You move slightly towards him without him noticing, you reach out for your bag and grab it, taking out some snacks you bought, you open the bag of chips you bought and look at Tadatomo, who is gazing at the place.

"H-hey..." You say, a bit nervous.
"Yes My L-, I mean Y/N?" Tadatomo asks you.
"Would you like some chips? I know it's not the healthiest thing but you should try some good snacks every once in a while!"
Tadatomo takes some seconds to think, and then says,
"Fine, but just some. You should take care of your health, too."
Your smile widens, your blush shines bright red, and you say, trembling,
"S-say... uh... say aaaah..." Tadatomo looks at you, intrigued, and opens his mouth.
Your heart is beating so fast, he was so reckless, but that was because he had no idea what you were going to do.

You had put the potato chip inside his mouth, and he had taken some seconds to realize what was going on, his face grew red, you too, were red, like a tomato. You quickly retrieve your hand, and he then starts chewing on the chip, looking anywhere but your eyes.

You HAVE to apologize for that. You look at Tadatomo and shyly say.
"I-I'm sorry about that, I caught you off guard hehe! You looked so cute!"

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