Chapter 1: Crashing Into One Another

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A/N: Just an fyi, this chapter is super long. Like almost 5000 words long. I wanted to keep certain chunks together so, yeah.

The first few chapters are pretty thick with alot of backstory about Yoongi and Y/N. After that, things lighten up and aren't so heavy.

*flashback – 5 minutes ago – Y/N POV*

I saw him for the first time as I turned the corner to head to my locker. I noticed him right away because I hadn't seen him before around town over the summer, or at school last year. I saw from afar as he was putting things in his locker, and I took a moment to check him out.

He was dressed in black from head to toe – black combat boots, black ripped skinny jeans, black shirt, black leather jacket, and a black snapback cap. His hair was black as well (what I could see of it poking out the back of his hat), and I thought he would probably blend into the night like a ninja if he went outside after dark. That made me chuckle as I began to pass him, which caused me to not pay attention to how close I was to him.

He whirled around fast to look at who was laughing behind him, and we both crashed into each other. Books and papers went flying, and the hot cup of coffee from the local coffee hut that I was carrying splattered all down the front of my shirt. It was unfortunate, because the shirt I had picked out that morning was part of a cute outfit I had just bought the day before: a white muslin button down tee with dark blue skinny jeans and white sandals. The hot coffee scalded my bare skin underneath the top, quickly revealing a lacy pale pink bra underneath.

Everything happened in seconds, but it seemed as if it were in slow motion. I gasped with the sudden feeling of the hot coffee washing down the front of me and the embarrassment that I had caused it, and he in turn looked straight at my chest with a look of mixed horror and embarrassment.

I could see his face just briefly but he had dark, mono-lid eyes– which meant he must be of some Asian descent. His skin was milky white, and I was surprised it wasn't a little darker. Maybe he didn't get out in the sun much? He had a cute nose with a set of what looked to be soft pink lips underneath. His mouth showed no reaction, but I could see his upper lip curled up just slightly at the corners naturally. I found that feature to be really cute and.... sexy. For a split second a thought ran through my mind about how I wanted to kiss the corner of his lips, right at that upturned part.

I came back to my senses as he quickly gathered his books and papers and slammed his locker shut, brushing past me fast. He muttered a quick "Sorry" under his breath while keeping his head down – his mess of books and papers clutched in his grip. As he passed me, I could smell his cologne, and it didn't smell cheap. The musk lingered as he walked past, and I could tell he was several inches taller than my 5'4" frame.

*End of flashback – Current Time – still Y/N POV*

I stood there wondering what the hell just happened, when my friend Hailey came around the corner in front of me, gasping in horror as she saw me standing there.

"Oh my god, y/n, what the fuck happened to you!?", Hailey yelled, grabbing me by the arms and staring at me.

I quickly ran to my locker across the busy hallway. Students streamed past us as if they were oblivious to what just happened, and I hurriedly punched in my combination. Luckily, I had the same locker as last year and I was able to get it open within seconds. I put my books in for the classes at the end of the day and kept out my notebook and books for my first three periods while also grabbing a top out of my locker. The black tank top was part of a set of extra clothes I always kept in there in case of crisis.

"This guy ran into me," I said, grabbing my best friend and pulling her with me into the nearby bathroom. I knew we only had a few minutes left before the bell rang for first period. "Okay, that's not true. I actually noticed him first and was daydreaming about him and let out a chuckle and he turned and we ran into each other by accident. I shouldn't have been daydreaming like an idiot and I should have been watching where I was going." I ripped off my now soaked shirt and cleaned myself off with soap and paper towels. I ended up tossing out my ruined top, as I knew I wouldn't be able to get out a stain that big.

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