Lilith's Army

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Athena (Uh'theena) - Goddess of Wisdom
She is the daughter of Zeus. She is able to use Zeus's weapons including his lightning bolt. She is a ruthless warrior who will stop at nothing to win. She once fought Ares and defeated him. She is accompanied by an owl.

Circe (Sir'see) - Goddess of Sorcery
Is the daughter of Helios, God of the Sun. She is an enchantress with powers of transmutation, illusion and necromancy. She creates potions, and when she wields her golden staff, the magic in her potions becomes activated. Circe can also resurrect the dead. She is accompanied by a Bengal tigress.

Enyo (En'yoh) - Goddess of Destruction
Is the wife of Ares, and she follows him orchestrating destruction of cities defeated by Ares. She is heavily armored, and a pillar of strength in her own right. She is accompanied by a three-horned dragon.

Eris (Air'iss) - Goddess of Night
Is the sister of Ares, the God of War. She brings about bitterness, pain and discord. She is accompanied by a Jerboa (a small rodent that hops like a Kangaroo, and can spread Monkey Pox.)

Hecate (Huh'kahtay) - Goddess of the Moon
Is the daughter of the Titan, Perses and Asteria, Goddess of the Stars and Divination. Hecate is caring, accepting and dedicated to helping those who are oppressed. She protects those she cares for from evil spirits using two flaming torches. She is accompanied by two black, female Doberman Pinschers. She assists Lilith in training, and during times of battle, will ward off evil spirits that attempt to interfere.

Hygiea (Hi'jeeah) - Goddess of Health
Is the daughter of Asclepius. She assists Lilith in training as a dietician, and instructs the art of self-care.

Ishtar (Ish'tahr) - Goddess of Beauty, Desire, Fertility and Sex.
Is the sister of Aphrodite, and is accompanied by the Bull of Heaven which if leashed upon Earth can cause great destruction.

Kali (Kahlee) - Goddess of Death and Destruction
Is the wife of Shiva. She creates and destroys worlds. She carries a sword and trident, and is accompanied by a serpent and a jackal.

Lilith (Lilith) - Guardian of Mortals, Goddess of Feminism
Is the first wife of Adam. She is the sister of Eve. She can curse men and women with various disease and even death. She is accompanied by Lilitu - a Bearded Dragon.

Lily (Lilly) - Leader of Mortal Women (in training)

Medusa (Muh'doosah) - Warrior, Protector
In her mortal form, is capable of seducing entire armies.  When morphed into her cursed figure, she can turn men into statues with a sideways glance.

Panacea (Pan' uh' seeah) - Goddess of the Cure
Is the daughter of Asclepius. She will come to Lilith when summoned to provide medicine to the wounded.

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