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She can come to me

As a thought like a spree.

Or can be found

When sought like a bond.

Well, in sugar or salt

Don't know where is she.

No matter where I meet her

Hope I recognise her with glee.

Her, of my imaginations

At a glance.

Her, of my conceptions

Given a chance.


At once I would stop

Like the hands of a clock

Between two stick seconds

In a linger and an elope.

And would blabber like I'll do

In words as of a fool.

Friends would either muse or loose

Yet would give me a bemused look.

How often has it happened!

More than a score and a dozen!

When in vacant stares I have been lost in

Her thoughts have been my foundation.


First touch is a significant one

Rest all lustfull delays.

Once you talk;

Next step is a planned attack

You remember it being done to you

You have a conscience of it

Yet dive into that nothingness!

For a moment's entertainment?

But it is no ones a fault.

Nor it is one.

Once you love

Next time!

Is a move on.


No meetings, no talks

No looks, no embraces.

Barely the sum of a few

Exchanged textual messages.

Bit-pieces, we jig-saw'd together

In minds, images we made of each other.

Matched/unmatched; our presumptions

We drew closer, hearts' decisions.

Sweet Angel

More I want to see your face

But it's pleasure to hear your voice

The more I feel you up in my nerves.

More I want to see your face

But it's pleasure to dream of you

The better I wake up thinking of you.

O sweet angel! Fallen right for me

The day I saw you was god's courtesy.

If I had missed that. I'd never see you out.

O sweet angel! Come on here to me.

So I had to sing it for you;

Its pleasure just to hear your voice!

And no oh! No, don't take me wrong.

I'd love to see you farther more

But it's pleasure to hear your voice

'Cause I feel you up in my nerves.

O sweet angel! Fallen right for me

The day I saw you was god's courtesy.

If I had missed that. I'd never see you out.

O sweet angel! Come on here to me.

A tear ain't worth

A tear ain't worth on your pretty face

Don't let it sweep your smile.

That tear hasn't all that worth dear,

To roll away your happiness all alive.

How can't you remember, how happy we were

Some days before, make'em memoirs dear.

Cherish'em all along in future....

Then a smile shall conquer your face dear.

A tear- pity on'em, they themselves are sad teddy bears.

Who only think about themselves and cry forever.

Rather, look at those smiling people dear.

Who smiles with your smile and walks with you dear.

You are sweet, you are soft, you are my cheer!

Don't let that tear fall or I'll fall into tears.

Couplets of love

Thoughts of you are now an organ mine

Else it'd be difficult to live this time.

Even if wraps of business withheld me

Nay, it can't withhold my thoughts for ye.

Absence of both in place bounds us

But if keen, presence is deeply felt, though absentees'.

Friendship's bike

There were

Summers and winters too

Spring followed and autumn too

There were even some thunderbolts

When we were along the road

Walking side to side

Riding our friendship's bike.

Like the grasslands it grew

Our friends were true

But also stumbled on some grumpy chaps

Still did not worry

And rode passed by, all the chaos

Riding our friendship's bike.

Walking side to side

Drifting bike to bike

Worrying all along

Like the childhood cycle ride

Riding on our friendship's bike.

The sun rose ahead

And the road is farther left.

To go side to side

Bike to bike

Drifting, walking and worrying all along

Riding our friendship's bike

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 06, 2014 ⏰

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