The bakusquad plays Dmmd pt 1 (Good ends edition)

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"What the hell is dmmd?" Bakugou asked. Apparently, the bakusquad (except Kirishima) had requested Bakugou to play a visual novel game with them. Kirishima was asked too and agreed easily. Bakugou though "Well. It's a BL game! I know it sounds weird that all of us are gonna play a game like this, but we just wanted to try!" Mina explained, But Bakugou wasn't satisfied. "No, I meant what is the fucking meaning of dmmd?!" Kaminari then decided to butt in. "DRAMAtical Murder" Bakugou then got an idea in his head and grinned "Will there be murder or killing in there??" Sero shooked his head "No. But I mean, yeah, only when you get bad ends. Ah! That reminds me. Kiri! You have enough tissues for all of us? Alot of people get emotional on both bad and good endings" Kirishima then held up a bag full of tissue boxes "I came prepared! Especially to my sweet little Omega~" Bakugou blasted his face "I've allowed you to call me any name. But I keep telling you-DON'T CALL ME THAT CAUSE IT'S FUCKING EMBARRASSING!!" Kirishima hardened his face when he took the blast. "Hahahaha, c'mon Kat, I know you like being called that, especially when you're in hea-" Mina slapped her hands on him "OOOOKAY, enough with you two love birds! Let's set up so we can start!" Everyone agreed then decided to play the game at Mina's room.

"Is it plugged in Denki??" Mina checked "Yep, all set!"
"Kiri! The snacks? And tissues?" Kirishima gave a thumbs up "Sero! Are the pillows and blankets all in place?" Sero gave her a salute (lolXD) "You comfy Bakugou??" Bakugou nodded, already grabbing a pillow and hugging it. "Alright then! Mina, let's start!" Denki said, as they all sat on what seems like a giant Omega nest. Bakugou had suggested this for they ARE technically a pack. "Oh! Wait, Mina! Let's search on how to get each good end, and we'll do the bad ends next time!" Kirishima suggested, snuggling beside Bakugou. "Oh, sure Kiri! That doesn't sound bad" Sero then searched it up in Google and started.

Koujaku route (good end):
"Holy crap.....That's so sweet.." Mina sniffed. "I gotta be honest with y'all, that touched me" Sero added. "These two had a really wonderful story. I didn't know they were childhood friends. And Aoba had accepted him besides his darkest sides." Kirishima said in awe, Bakugou crying Abit I his arms. "Ok...That was a good route. Let's move on to the next one!" Denki wiped his tears away before starting a new route.

Noiz route (good end):
"Woah...Is it actually ok to be in a relationship with a 19 year old??" Mina asked, slightly confused on the character's age gaps. "Well..Idk, it's the future, so maybe. Yeah, probably." Denki replied "I was actually scared when he said bite my dick..Cause if he didn't had that condition..Yeesh that'll hurt..." Kirishima confessed, while Sero laughed. For Bakugou though "He looks like a total badass, I like this character." They all then continued to chatter until they decided to move on to the next route.

Clear route (good end):
"WAHHHHH!! WHY DID HE DIED!! HE WAS SOO SWEET!!" Mina cried, as she was touched by the cyborg character's personality and loyalty. "WAIT WAIT WAIT! GUYS LOOK!!" Denki pointed to the screen. They all took a moment to watch the last part. Clear had been repaired and was now back to Aoba. "YES!! HE LIVES!! I'M SO HAPPY!!" Mina exclaimed giggling and sobbing at the same time. "Woah woah woah, calm down Mina. Don't need to be too emotional, I knew he was coming back." Kirishima said, Bakugou was actually crying alot right now "Fucking hell...What *sniff* did this damn game did to *sniff* m-me?.." Sero chuckled "Dude. It's just your moodswings kicking in. It's just natural you cry like that when you're pregnant." The squad had wasted two tissue boxes with this route. Now they moved on to the next route.

Mink route (good end):
"Ok, I'm changing my mind. This one is more badass than bean sprout." Bakugou said, Kirishima agreeing with him. "Yeah, you're right. I mean.. those clothes, those muscles, the attitude..He's pretty fucking manly" Mina then spoke "I kind of cringed Abit when they were on the non consensual sex part though.." Denki laughed "But besides all the bullshit they did. They still worked out in the end" Sero said. They didn't cry in this whole route. So it was an achievement to them. They stopped for Abit to eat some snacks before proceeding to the last route.

Ren route (true/good end):
"Ok...that dog is insanely loyal to be honest...But I didn't know he was a part of Aoba all along!" Mina said, looking at the shot where the two characters were at the hospital. "I just kind of laughed everytime he spoke. His voice is just so damn deep Hahahaha" Denki said, his laughter being silenced by Kirishima's comment "Well besides all that, this was a really good route. Alot of people say it's the true route and I gotta say, I think it is too." Bakugou groaned, grabbing a tissue to wipe some of his tears "It was already obvious shit-hair. He's been the most closest to Aoba so they will technically end up in this route." Sero then remembered something "Wait...Isn't the physical body Ren took to exist again was the body of Aoba's now gone twin?" Denki nodded "WAIT...HOLY SHIT... DOESN'T THAT MAKE IT INCEST???" Mina smacked his head "Idiot! Sei gave Ren a chance to claim his body to be Ren's own. So yeah, it might be Sei's body, but it's Ren's now." Denki blinked two times before giving a dumb "Oh...You're right.." the group laughed, Bakugou only giving a small chuckle.

"That was fun! Whaddya say guys? Bad ends this weekend??" Kirishima grinned "heck yeah! But let's just hope the bad ends won't affect Bakugou too much." Mina then patted Kirishima's shoulder "We'll make sure about that. If he says stop we'll stop" The pack then cleaned up the room before all of them went back to their rooms. Except for Mina for she was already in hers. "Are you sure you'll be able to handle it Kat? People say the bad ends are kind of traumatizing.." Bakugou scoffed "Of course I can. I can take whatever bullshit you throw at me!" Kirishima laughed "Ok. But I promise I'll be your couch through the whole game play." Bakugou rolled his eyes, knowing his red headed Alpha is just trying to make him feel comfortable. "Do what you want-UGH! AGHH DAMNIT!" Kirishima then panicked "Suki!? What's wrong!?!" Bakugou chuckled "You idiot, it's just the baby kicking. The brat's pretty strong." Kirishima gave a sigh of relief "You worry to much you know?" "Yeah..Sorry Kat. I just wanna make sure both of you are ok all the time" Bakugou smiled "Enough of this sappy shit. Let's take a nap at your room. Cause by some damn reason, crying made me tired.." The red head laughed lightly, both of them going inside the elevator up to Kirishima's dorm.

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