ocean eyes pt.2

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ᏚᏌᎷᎷᎪᎡY : You're desperate to find a job, a lady offers you to baby sit her grandson but what happens when the grandson turns out to be a 18 year old boy who lures you into his dark side.

🅦🅐🅡🅝🅘🅝🅖🅢 : none just fluff


I said my goodbyes to Michael and quickly ran downstairs to meet the lady which had a surprised expression on her face as her eyes landed on me.

"Y-You're alive and well?" She whispered in disbelief causing me to laugh.

"Should I not be?" I continued to giggle but she just stood there with her mouth wide open along with her eyes making me realise she wasn't joking.

Before I could ask her she already called Michael to come down which made him rush out of his room and run right into my arms pinning himself onto me as I engulfed him into a hug.

"Has he...misbehaved? Hurt anybody?" The lady furrowed her eyes at me while Michael kept on holding onto my waist with his eyes closed shut as I saw a cute smile creep up on his face.

"No Miss he's a been an angel all day." I looked at him proudly as he got his head up from my chest looking into my eyes while I looked into his oceans ones, they lured me in but they didn't have to I would fall for him anyways.

"Grandma can y/n stay the night pleasee." He enthusiast the please making me chuckle.

"Sure why not." She replied carelessly dropping her coat on the hanger and heading to the kitchen.

Michael squealed and laced my fingers with his as he dragged me upstairs to his room.

Entering his room I was ran into another tight hug making me plant a soft kiss on his head causing his cheeks to flash bright red.

I've never had someone being so excited about my existence it was cute.

"So what do you wanna do?" Right before those words left my mouth I felt him grab me all the way to his bed.

"Cuddle." His eyes lit up looking at me with his bright smile.

"Cuddle?" I repeated not sure about the idea while I slowly plopped my body into his bed while he quickly jumped in with me and snuggled his head into my chest as he took my hand and placed it on his head signaling me to stroke his hair.

We stayed like this for about 5 minutes before he jolted up storming out of his room.

"I gotta pee I gotta pee." He repeated to himself loud making me laugh.

It was just me alone in his room examining his weird choice of decorations which were meant for babies but I don't judge.

Another male entered the room that kind of resembled Michael with his short blonde hair that curled up to his shoulders making me quickly sit up.

"I'm y/n" I introduced myself causing him to widen his eyes in shock.

"You can see me?" He waved his hands in front of me making me nervously look around the room.

"Ehm...yeah?" I looked up at him a short smirk creeping the in corner of his lips.

"Well you are something special." He whispered as if he didn't want someone to hear that.

"Thanks" I said kind of as a question.

"And your his?" He meant Michael.

"Baby sitter." I smiled answering for him.

"Oh right." He nodded before sitting next to me.

"Hi I'm Tate I'm dead." He looked at me seriously making me burst out of laughter just for him to look at me emotionless.

"Y/n you need to get out of this house it's not safe here especially around Michael he's...he's not normal!" He exclaimed making me furrow my eyes at him.

"Yeah right says the guy who claims to be dead!" I chuckled clasping my hands together.

"You don't believe me?" He smirked extending his hand for me as I looked out the room realising Michael creeped behind the door listening and watching the scene unravel with his fuming expression but I quickly ignored it gaining my attention at this Tate guy that had his hand out for me.

"Hold my hand." His voice echoed in my head making me feel so nervous and unsure about this.

Finally finding the courage to hold his hand my hand went right through his while I felt cold chills enter my body as I quickly got off the bed and stood a good distance away from the guy.

"W-w-What? H-how?" I found myself stuttering as I backed away hitting the wall with my back.

"I told you." He simply shrugged his shoulders leaving the room as Michael came rushing to me.

"Y/n are you okay? Are you hurt?" He panicked touching me head to toe to see any signs of injuries but I was just unresponsive.

"I-i gotta go." I quickly made a run for it almost tripping over the stairs finally heading to the door but Michael was right behind me his eyes teary and puffy red making me feel so guilty of my actions.

Walking towards him I ruffled his blonde locks.

"I'm sorry Michae-"

He slammed my body to the wall his hand wrapped around my neck but not too tight for me to not breathe as he slammed his soft rosy plump lips onto mine tasting some of my raspberry lipgloss I had on as he then pulled away and looked at me for split second before completely vanishing to his room in embarrassment his cheeks redder than ever.

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