Scream So They Can Hear You

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The man in front of me scanned my face. He was interviewing all the people of the school to see what were are learning. It was really odd because normally we jest take some stupid test. "What's your name?" He asked politely. Are they not supposed to already know this?

"Cordelia Pttman." I blinked a few times as he studied me some more.

"And what are your hobbies, Cordelia?" He said my name like he was trying to test it out as something else. He's weird.

"I like to," This was a hard question. What do I like to do? "Draw and paint. I hang out with friends a lot." I looked at the ceiling, "And I day dream way to much." I looked back at his face. He looked like he was trying to solve a puzzle. Was I hard to figure out? Why was he trying to figure me out? Creepy old man.

"What are your favorite subjects in school?" He asked while writing something on his paper.

I narrowed my eyes at him and answered slowly, I was unsure of this man. Why does he need/want to know these things? "I like art class and English."

He looked up at me in surprise, "English?"

I nodded, "Why do you want to know this?"

He looked at me with a smile. A very creepy smile. "Well Cordelia. My company at the University is finding teenagers, like yourself, to put through tests. We want to find out what your brains are capable of."

That made some sence. It still didn't explain everything. He went back to writing on his paper, "Do you listen to music?"

"Yup," I said popping the 'p'.

He looked at me with one eye brow raised, "What type?"

"All types. Well not really much metal or country. But if someone I know says its a good song, I'll give it a try." I bit on the inside of my cheek, "How is this relevant to the questions?"

"Why are you asking me questions?" He retorted back in my direction.

I narrowed my eyes at him once again, "I'm curious, and we are done here." I stood up and walked out of the room. That guy was stupid. Why does he want me here anyways. He can talk to much smarter teenagers than me. I don't understand how they can preform brain tests on a stupid person like me. I don't get anything over 70% in school. I'm completely useless.

"Cordelia," He called after me. I stopped but didn't turn around, "You are not stupid. Just because your test scores are low doesn't mean that you don't have a briliant mind." Was he reading my mind? Who the hell does this guy think he is? I turned around and narrowed my eyes at him. I but the inside of my cheek to stop myself from asking the questions that I wanted to ask.

I shoved my hands into my pockets of my jeans, "My mind is far from brilliant."

He chuckled slightly and shook his head while looking at the ground, "You have no idea what your mind is capable of. You are brilliant and that is why I choose you for my tests."

I opened my mouth to object. To tell him he was choosing the wrong person. But I didn't have the chance to. My mouth was gagged and my hands were tied behind my back. I let out a scream that was muffled. "There's no use. These walls are sound proof." The man holding me back whispered into my ear, "Now I suggest that you hold still." I will not hold still! I'm being kidnapped! You do not give in to your kidnapper. Rule number one. 

I squirmed all over the place until I saw that the room was filling with smoke. It didn't effect my breathing in anyway. I could have sworn the smoke was purple. That just made me squirm even more. I tried screaming once more before the thick smoke crawled up to my face and everything was gone. Where were they taking me? Were they some sort of creatures from another planet? Someone please help me...











So this is an idea that I've had for a while now. I hope that you liked it :D Tell me what you really think :)

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