Cancer - the past

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Hey,you probably know me. I am Marcus Gunnarsen, famous football player, or better say I was. I had a perfect life, but everything I had I lost in one day. The worst day in my life. Everyone left me, except one person – my brother Martinus. He is always here for me and I am so thankful for that.
Now I’m gonna say you what happened.
Now I am on my way home from hospital, last days I wasn’t feeling well and doctors found out that I have a cancer. I am really sad because of it and I needed to stop with playing football because of it. My brother Tinus is trying to cheer me up but it doesn’t work at all. Everything I need now is Sandra, she is my girlfriend. I hope at least she can make me forget about that.
Later that day:
I was watching TV with my brother when suddenly someone came into my room. It was my girlfriend.
Sandra: “Hey Mac, Tinus told me that you wanted to talk to me” she said with bitchy tone. I don’t know why she is acting like that to me now.
Me:” Y-yeah” is all I could say.
Tinus:” Okay, so I am gonna say that; you know that me and Marcus were today in hospital because he wasn’t feeling good”
Sandra: “Yes, and what’s with that” she said again with that bitchy tone.
Tinus: ”So, doctors found out that the reason is that he has a cancer.” He said with really sad tone.
Sandra: “Is that true Marcus?” she said.
Me: ”Y-yes, I-it is” I said with shaky voice.
Sandra:” I am breaking up with you, don’t try to come to my life ever again” she said with bitchy tone again.
Me: “No, please don’t. I love you so much babe” I told her, I can’t believe that she wants to break up with me after everything we had...
Sandra:” I don’t care and I don’t love you Marcus. I never did. And don’t call me babe, I am not your “babe” anymore. I don’t need you.” “And don’t worry, I will find someone better than you” she added and left the house.
Me: “She left me Tinus. The love of my life left me” I said with tears sliding down my cheeks.
Tinus: ”Shhhh. Everything is going to be okay bro,I am here for you and I always will. I will never ever leave you bro. You are my everything and remember; you are not alone in this, we are doing this together, right?” he said and hugged me.
Me: “Thank you bro,I don’t know what I would do without you” I told him and hugged him back.
End of flashback
Now it’s morning, another boring day is starting. I got ready and went to school together with my brother and our friends. I used to go to school with Sandra. I miss her but if she didn’t love me then she doesn’t deserve my tears.
We went to our class and the lesson started. I am sitting next to Mike, he is one of my and Tinus’s friends. I used to sit next to Sandra, but since we are not together she moved out of Trofors and she changed school. I don’t even know if she still lives in Norway.
Skip the rest of the lessons
We went for the lunch now. I am sitting and eating lunch together with my friends. If you wonder if they know about my cancer, they do. But they didn’t leave me because they wanna help me, you know. And I am so thankful for that.
I was totally lost in my thoughts when suddenly a girl with long brown hair come to our table and said:
“Hey guys, can I sit here with y'all?” she asked with a little smile.
“Yes, of course” we all said and Tinus winked at me. It’s because of that before I met Sandra I had I crush on this girl. Her name is Y/n and she is so beautiful and sweet and yeah, I still have a crush on her.
I was looking at he when suddenly her eyes met mine.
I smiled at her and she did the same.
Y/n:”I just wanted to ask you, do you maybe have time after school today? We could maybe hang out together Marcus.” She said with hope.
Me: “Yes, I would love to” I said.
•skip the rest of the day•
Y/n:”It was amazing today with you Marcus” she told me and hugged me.
Me: “Thank you! It was amazing with you too, and would you maybe go with me to my house? We can play some games together and Tinus can join too if you want...” I said with hope.
Y/n:”if it's okay for you and Tinus then I would love to!”
Me: “of course it's okay for us! Thank you!!! “
Y/n:”aww,you are so cuteee!” she said and giggles.
Me: “thank you, but you are the cutest!” I said with smile.
Y/n:”aww, thank you” she said and blushed.
Me: “and you are even more cute when you blush!” I said with a smile. Gosh I love this girl so much!
Y/n:”Thank you!” she said and hugged me. I hugged her back.
Me: “Now, let’s go to my house!” I said and she giggled.
After a while
We went to my house and there was Martinus sitting at the couch watching TV.
T:”Hey Marcus! Oh and hey Y/n!”He said when he saw us.
Me: “Do you want to sleep today in our house Y/n?” I said and looked at her with hope.
Y/n:” If you two are okay with it, then why not.” She said smiled at us.
“Nice” Tinus said and winked at me.
“Now let’s play some games!” I said.
Tinus: ”What about truth or dare?” Tinus said and again winked at me.
Y/n:” that’s a great idea!” she said and smiled at me.
Me: “Okay” I said. I just hope that Tinus will not do something stupid.
We went to Tinus’s room. We sat down and started to play. At the beginning everything was okay, but then was my turn.
Tinus: ”Truth or dare Marcus?”
I thought about it a little and said: “Dare!”
Tinus: ”Go and kiss Y/n!” he said and smirked at me. As I thought, he again said something stupid. She will hate me. I don’t want to ruin our friendship...
I went closer to her, she looked at me and smiled.
Y/n:” I love you Marcus! “ she said and hugged me.
Me:”Omg, really? I said surprised.
Y/n:”Of course Maci!” she said and giggled.
Me:” I love you too Y/n!!!” I said and kissed her. She kissed me back and I could feel her smiling in the kiss.
We were kissing for like five minutes I think. This is just the best feeling ever! I can’t believe that I am so happy now after such a long time! I love her so much!
Tinus:” Guys, I said kiss each other, not eat each other.” He said and we all  laughed.
Me:” I love you so much Y/n,so I wanted to ask you, will you be my girlfriend?” I said with hope.
Y/n:”Yes, I love you so much too Marcus!!!” she said and we kissed one more time.
Tinus:”I am so happy for you two!” he said with a smile.
“Thank you” we both said at the same time and Tinus laughed.
“Now let’s go to sleep! I am so tired!” Tinus said and we agreed.
“So I will sleep in my room and you two can sleep together guys.” Tinus said and smirked.
“Okay” we said.
“Good night” we all said.
Me and Y/n went to my room and we had a hot night, you know...
After some days
Now me and Tinus are sitting in car, we are going home from hospital.
I have really amazing news! I don’t have a cancer anymore!
I am so happy and Tinus too! I can’t wait to tell it to Y/n! She is so caring towards me. I love her so much!
Few minutes later
“Heyyy Y/n,we are home!” me and my brother yelled happily.
“Heyyy guys, I am in the kitchen!” she yelled back.
We both went to the living room and waited for Y/n. After a while she came.
“So,Y/n,I need to tell you something really important. I am really happy about it, I hope you will be happy too...” I said and smiled.
“Okay, tell me Maci.” She said excited.
“Okay. So, what's your biggest wish at the moment?” I said.
“For you to don’t have a cancer anymore.” She said.
“And what if I would tell you that I don’t have a cancer anymore” I said.
“You must be kidding me” she said surprised but happy.
“No babe, it’s true” I said, waiting for her reaction.
“Omg, I love you so much Marcus!!! I am so happy!!!” she said while crying a little.
“Aww, thank you so much babe! I love you so much too!!! But please don’t cry babygirl.” I told her.
“ I am just so happy!” she said and hugged me tight. I smiled and kissed her forehead.
“Me too babe” I said.
Tinus: ”Aww, guys you are the cutest!” Tinus said happily.
“Thank you Tinus! ”we both said.
Y/n's P.O.V.
I am so happy for Marcus, I can’t believe it. I love him so much!
And now it’s time for my surprise... I hope he will be happy.
I am really happy but scared about his reaction at the same time.
Me: “Now it’s time for my surprise Maci, I hope you will be happy” I said.
“Of course I will be happy, I love you so much Y/n!” he said excited.
“Okay. So... It’s that... I-I am...” I just couldn’t say it.
Marcus: ”Shhh, it’s okay babe. Come here” he said and then he hugged me tight.
“Now tell me what is it” he said really curious. He is so cute!
“I-I am p-pregnant” I said happy and scared at the same time.
“Omg!!! I am so happy!!! I love you babe!!! You are the best!!!” he yelled happily and spinned me around.
Rest of the day we spent together watching Netflix and cuddling.
The End!

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