Chapter Fifteen

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You left your bag at home before going to work with Overhaul. You didn't need notebooks and things informing you on the multiverse theory when it came to babysitting a little girl. Speaking of which, you hoped she was okay. She had been asleep when you'd last visited her, and although your visits had been going good for the last few days, you were afraid that one day, she'd be terrified to go near you.

Today seemed to be one of those days.

You were in Eri's bedroom- which you were starting to realize was more of a cell- trying to coax her out of the corner. She was sobbing hysterically, the bandages on her arms freshly wrapped. You didn't know what to do. You'd never been good at comforting people, especially if you couldn't use physical touch. So you just sat there, talking to her, telling her about your day.

Eventually the poor girl calmed down enough that she came to your side, giving you a fierce hug. You mentally swore to yourself that you were going to get her out of here. You weren't going to let her continue to be tormented like this.

Screw the life debt you owed Overhaul. It wasn't right to let the little girl suffer. You just didn't know how to get her out. You knew that the heroes were supposed to bust Overhaul's drug operation, but that had to do with Nighteye- who was currently six feet under. You didn't know if that arc would even still happen, and if it did, you didn't know if it would be for Eri.

The girl wailed from her place in your arms, and you tightened your hug on her, whispering things in her ear to try and calm her down. You told her that she was strong- stronger than she could possibly know and that she was going to get through this. She only cried harder.

So you resorted to silence, petting her hair with rhythmic movements and allowing her to fall asleep against your side. Once she was asleep, you picked her up easily, putting her back to bed and tucking her in. You knew she needed the rest.

When you left the room, you were surprised to find Overhaul waiting for you. He was leaning against the wall, plague mask swapped out for a plain black face mask. He was dressed in more casual clothing, and he nodded in your direction as you existed Eri's bedroom. When he spoke, you noticed that his tone was lighter than it usually was. "I need to talk to you."

You nodded and followed him to his office where he sat at his desk chair, leaning forwards as he looked you up and down. He hummed, and motioned for you to sit. You did, and he folded his hands, leaning his elbows against the desk. You waited for him to speak, and when he did, you were surprised at what you heard.

"What do you know about Project XE-7?" he asked, and your eyes widened in shock. Of course he had somehow found out about it, you thought to yourself. He was Kai Chisaki- the researcher. He found a way to know everything that interested him. You didn't doubt that he knew more than you did. Still, you were wary of talking about it with him. You didn't know how he would react to knowing you were from another universe- much less one without quirks.

"What do you know about it?" you shot back, trying to keep calm.

He laughed, and your stomach dropped. "Project XE-7 is a project created by the hero commission centered around the multiverse. I have reason to believe that you're here because of it. Is that correct?"

You got the feeling that if you lied then he would kill you. You also got the feeling that if you told him the truth- that you knew almost nothing about XE-7 except for the fact that it had to do with you then he would be displeased. There was truly no winning in your situation.

"...Yes," you told him. "I don't know much about it. I only know that I have something to do with it, and that the hero commission doesn't want anyone else finding out about it. Someone... someone asked them what it was and they killed him."

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