Chapter Two

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One Miracle

Chapter Two

Too bright. Too hot. Too heavy.

Wait... too heavy?

Must have brought home another girl last night... funny I don't remember anything though...

Yawning widely, Dean managed to finally crack his eyes open, only to groan when the light from the open window assaulted his pupils.

Funny, I don't remember opening the window either. Eh, Sam must have done it.


Upon looking to where he heard Castiel's voice, he suddenly became aware of his situation. He was in bed. With Cas. The angel was nestled next to him, looking quite content and peaceful.

"Ah! Dammit Cas! Personal space! What the hell are you doing in my bed?!"

He scrambled away from the seraph, and fell off the bed in the process... which probably wasn't such a good idea for his head, which was aching awfully from what was most certainly the worst hangover in his life.

Groaning again, he pushed himself up, the back of his mind screaming at him that he was naked. He quickly grabbed his pants, which were on the floor, covered his privates from the angel, and pulled on his boxers at lightning speed. Something was obviously not right, but he decided to push that away in favor of digging through one of his bags, in the hope that he could find something to heal his splitting migraine.

A hand on his side got his attention, turning his head to look, only to see Cas lying on the bed, covers over his lower areas, but his shirt was visibly gone. It didn't take a genius to figure out that Cas was naked too under those covers. Dean sat there frozen for a few seconds in shock. The only thought going through his head at the moment was, What the hell... what the hell... what the hell!? The hand moved to his forehead and suddenly his headache was gone, along with the awful hangover. Leaving only the confusion of why the hell Cas was in his bed, naked, and not seeming to have any problem with this.

"Cas... Why the hell are you in my bed, naked?!" Dean barked, voice angered and confused.

Cas' head tilted in confusion at the question. "Do you not remember, Dean?"

"Remember? Oh dear God, please tell me we didn't fuck last night!"


"You know! Have sex! Do the dirty! Naked wrestling!"

"Sex, yes, that is what you called it last night," Cas said with a thoughtful look, smiling upon the wonderful memory from the previous night.

Dean couldn't breathe, he couldn't think, he couldn't process anything other than the fact that, Me and Cas fucked... Me... and the feathery bastard had sex... I fucked an angel of the Lord!

Quickly standing up, he grabbed Cas' shoulders tightly.

"Okay, listen to me! You will not tell anyone we did this! None of your angel buddies, and definitely not Sam! You can't breathe a word of this!" Dean explained.

"I am confused Dean. You usually boast about your sexual encounters, why is now any different?" Cas asked, curiously, finding himself feeling slightly hurt from this news.

"Because, because you're... well... you! You're a guy! An angel! It's different Cas! This is... last night we... it... it was a mistake okay!? A huge, drunken mistake!" Dean said loudly, sounding anxious and nervous, unbelieving that this was actually happening. Dean didn't mean anything by it really, he didn't assume those words would make Cas feel actual emotional pain. Last night was an accident, Dean hadn't meant to have sex with him...

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