Chapter 1

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I have always liked the sound of metal clanking together. There is just something about the sound that has a way of calming me down. Which is great considering my current predicament. You see, I am currently chained to a wall. Hands above the head and everything. And guess what that means. It means I can't feel my arms. I wish I could say this was a new one for me, but sadly, it's not. I really don't know how I keep getting into these situations. I mean, I might be an infamous info broker, but no one knows that. Hell, no one knows me in general and I make sure of that. I don't need those oh so delightful people knowing that I am alive and doing a somewhat okay job at functioning.

Now, how did I get here? The last thing I remember is eating breakfast and watching Hansel and Gretel, who were fight over food again. Those two wolves act like I never feed them. Oh no. I wasn't kidnapped from my home, was I? I wonder if they are okay. Well, if they aren't dead, they are probably out killing innocent rabbits for food. You know what? I probably got blackout drunk and pissed someone off. Yeah. I'll go with that. It explains the splitting headache.

Taking in my surrounding I realize that I'm in a small, dark room with a small window above me. Judging from the lack of light coming from the window I'm guessing the sun has set and the moon is out. Continuing my search of the room, there appears to be a light on the ceiling but there is no way to turn on from within the room. Straining my eyes, a bit more I see what looks like dried blood on the floors and walls, and possibly the ceiling. Lovely.

You know, I kinda don't feel like being here anymore. I really don't want my blood to be added to this room's collection. Looking at the locks on the chains I realize I can't pick them. Mostly because I don't have anything to pick them with. Although even if I did, I would have a hard time reaching the locks. Well, I guess there is only one rational thing to do. Sleep.




Guess who only got 5 minutes of sleep? ME! How do I know it was 5 minutes you ask? Because I closed my eyes and right when I was about to drift off into the world of my imagination, the door was kicked open. And yes, I did just quote that song from Charlie and the Chocolate Factory.

"Well look who decided to wake up." Did this man really just say that? That is so cliché. The idiotic man that just spoke was about 5'11'' and look to be relatively fit. He had a normal-looking face with brown eyes and brown hair. The most stunning thing about him would probably be his teeth. Damn. They were so white they sparkled.

"Do you get your teeth whitened?" I'm sorry, I just had to ask.

"What?" He looks rather confused. I don't know why. I thought it was a pretty straight forward question. We continue to stare at each other until his pal speaks up from behind him.

"I have actually been wondering the same thing. Do you get your teeth whitened?" See, I'm not the only one who thinks his teeth are super white. The new guy looked like a teddy bear. Dirty blond hair, brown eyes, small face, and a little taller than me (I am 5''6 by the way) so around 5'9".

"I don't get my teeth whitened."

"Cool." Teddy bear guy and I say at the same time.

"Why does that even matter right now? You do realize that you are chained to a wall with bloodstains, everywhere right?"

"I did notice, but this isn't the first time I've been kidnapped and unless you kill me it won't be the last." Once again, we have a fun little staring party.

"I don't feel like dealing with her." White teeth dude says.

"Too bad for you, we have to." Teddy bear guy chips in while walking towards me. I notice him pull out a needle and bring it to my neck. Oh boy, this is gonna be fun. I can finally sleep. As soon as I feel the prick of the needle, I start to feel tired. And then I see the tattoo on his wrist. Well shit, I might actually die this time. And then I was asleep. 

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