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After the movie america showed him the geust home Belarus went to bed it was still raining he was thinking why does she cover her arms so much ?

THe NeXt DAy

Belarus woke up and remember he at americas house he got up america had his stuff pack for him he was was going back home today he huged america and wissper in her ear and siad thank you

America had a little bit of blush and siad anytime dude

Belarus went home when he got home he attacked by his big brother Ukraine
Ukranine was balling his eyes out WHERE WERE YOU I was at America's house russia came runing down stairs and huged her little brother sobbing saying sorry of what she siad Belarus dident know what to say russia and ukranine went yeeting to the kitchen with his favorite food potato pancakes (look that shit up it looks so good)

Belarus ate one and went upstairs russia stared at him with anger but she held it in this time...


;v idk what to say about this

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