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Is this the end.

I remember that day as if it were yesterday. You wore one of your many black pants but it was torn at the level of your knee and your white hoodie that I found gave you "muscles of hell". You were seated on our bench, the one where you met me, the one where you made  me the court like one of those brave knights of the past times, and also where I confess that I love you.

I remember that I had smooth my red dress and that, for once, it came to me in the middle of the thigh, I remembered that I had done this prowess, leaving my long dresses or my crazy jeans disappear because it was the three years of our meeting, and I had to be beautiful.

Three years have you supported me in the highs and lows of our relationship, accepting for what I am, defending myself against the world and sometimes against myself.

I sat at your side on this bench and you raised your head with a smile, ... Oh, a smile that wanted to say everything if ... if only  I had take a good look, but after all, as it says "Love makes you blind. "

You looked at me but there was not this same trace of love as the first day, and I have not noticed it at that moment, or maybe at the moment I did not want to believe it.
You opened your mouth and your voice makes me shudder as always.
- I think we should stop it.
I did not understand or I did not want to understand , but I still have this sensation on the skin, this burning that bothers me or the sensation that everything around me collapses to leave nothing.
No, ... no, no ,you have left something.
You have left the void.

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