Arrival in the past Pt: 2

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Izuku, Momo, and the rest of the group are Marching back to the Oda stronghold along with Nobuna and the Oda army. "Wow, look at this landscape, it's simply beautiful," Momo says as she looks around and sees grasslands, and the lake that is reflecting the sun.

"Yeah, it is, maybe there's a place near the Oda stronghold that I can take you to for a date." Izuku says and holds Momo's hand.

Momo smiles and blushes slightly. "That would be nice, Zuzu. I owe you two rewards now. One for not letting Bakugo get to you, and the other for protecting me.~" Momo coos.

"I look forward to it.~" Izuku says with a smirk.

(With Nobuna.)

'Grate uniter, they called me the Grate uniter.' Nobuna thinks to herself as she rides back to the stronghold on her horse. "That boy saved me. I need to give him something in return. And that green lighting that was around him was peculiar. I wonder if they all possess something similar." Nobuna says to herself.

'That boy is very handsome. I should make him a general in my army. I should take his measurements for his armor myself.' Nobuna thinks to herself and gets lost in her own little fantasy.

(With Midnight and Mt. Lady)

"I can't believe history was wrong, the most important males from the Sengoku period, are actually females, and they all look the same age as the students." Midnight says.

"So what, Midnight. It's not like it's the end of the world or anything. We should accept it. Maybe your old ass can finally find a man." Mt. lady says.

"OLD?!, AT LEAST I WASNT FEELING UP A CHILD, YOU PEDO!!" Midnight yells as a tick mark
forms on her head.

"Oh, hi there, kettle, names pot! Have we met? I see the way you look at him, admit it you have fantasies about Midoriya ravaging you in bed!" Mt. Lady says with a smirk as she unknowingly rubs her legs together, remembering her own fantasies.

"I- I REFUSE TO DIGNIFY THAT WITH A RESPONSE!" Midnight says with a heavy blush present on her face and some steam coming out of her ears.

"Consider that never touched." Mt. Lady says with a broad smirk.

"You know what I'm done!, But still, it's difficult to wrap my head around, but like you said we must accept it, and see if we can find a way home if possible, and find Bakugo........if there's time that is." Midnight says.

(Back with Izuku and the students.)

'Man this is amazing, look at those boobs!'Mineta screams internally and looks around. "I can't wait to grope these beautiful breasts and peek on these lovely bodies!" Mineta says a little too loud.

"SMASH!!!" Izuku says and punches Mintea with 5% of his power, and Mineta goes flying into a tree. "You filthy pervert I should teach you a lesson!, these are the most important women in the history of Japan, so show them the respect they deserve!" Izuku screams and starts to stomp towards Mineta, who is currently shaking in fear. But before he can reach Mineta, a katana is put out in front of him.

"Why are you attacking him?" The girl on the horse wearing a blue robe and steel armor asks.

"Trust me, Miss, if you heard what he said, you would want him dead." Momo says as she walks up to them With a Katana, she made and inspects it as she nears them. "Now, please take that katana out of my Zuzu's face." Momo says with a sweet smile that makes Katsuie shiver and put her sword away. "Thank you." Momo says and walks away, dragging Izuku with her.

"That stupid pervert, if he tries anything, he's going to wish he had a healing quirk." Izuku says quietly to Momo.

"I know Zuzu, but right now, we should all be happy that we are alive, we can deal with the pervert later." Momo says.

"Fine." Izuku says as the group continues their march.

(Time skip; Arrival to Oda Stronghold; Oda Castle.)

Izuku and the group are currently in Nobuna's throne room, if you could call it that. They are all currently on their knees as they wait for Nobuna to appear. "Man, what are we waiting on this tots isn't fun." Camie says.

Izuku sighs and flicks Camie on her forehead. "We are waiting on Ms. Oda, Utsushimi." Izuku says as Utsushimi rubs her forehead. "Also you need to show more respect; she is a Princess of a Clan. That applies to all of you, especially you, Mineta." Izuku growls and gives Mineta a death glare, and activates OFA. Mineta nods quickly. "Glad we understand each other."  Izuku says a gong rings  and Nobuna walks in and sits In front of everyone.

"  Izuku says a gong rings  and Nobuna walks in and sits In front of everyone

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'Why is she showing her bra?!' The UA group thinks.

"You green hair, what was with that green lightning around you earlier." Nobuna asks.

Izuku's and Momo's eyebrows twitch. "With all due respect Oda, my name is Izuku Midoriya. I would appreciate it if you used it." Izuku says. Unfortunately, this doesn't sit well with Katsuie.

"You lowlife!" Katsuie yells and draws her Katakana and dashes towards Izuku. Momo sees this and quickly makes another katakana and blocks Katsuie's katakana just before it can even reach him.

"Katsuie, stand down!"  Nobuna says.

"But, my lady." Katsuie says.

"That's an order."Nobuna says.

"Yes, my lady." Katusie says and walks back to her spot, and Momo does the same.

"Well, to answer your question, Lady Oda. Thousands of years in the future humanity has taken its next step in evaluation, and that step what we call quirks, currently 80% of the population has quirks." Izuku says.

"So, do you all have these quirks?" Nobuna asks.

"Yes, we do." Momo says.

"So you all can do the same thing as Midoriya?" a girl with long black hair, blue eyes, a battle kimono, and a pink ribbon in her hair asks.

"No, we can't; each person has a different quirk. While some are similar, but ultimately they are completely different." Midnight says.

"The old hag is correct." Mt. Lady says.

"HAG?!" Midnight yells.

Izuku glares back at the two. "Enough! You two are pro hero's and adults so act like it, understand?!" Izuku says.

'Yes, daddy.' They think. They nod their heads.

"I see, explain what each one of you can do, and give me your names." Nobuna says.

"I am Minoru Mineta, my quirk is pop off, I can remove these balls in my head and throw or place them somewhere, and they stick to everything, but me." Mineta says. After a few minutes, everyone has introduced themselves.

"A pleasure to meet you all." Nobuna says. "Now, I believe it's our turn, as you all know, I'm Nobuna Oda, and you know Katsuie Shibata." Nobuna says.

"I am Nagahide Niwa, a tactical advisor to the Oda clan." Nagahide says.

"I am Maeda Toshiie. I am the Oda clan's master of the spear and pike." Maeda says.

"It's getting late, we all need some sleep, and I need a place to treat Zuzu's wounds from earlier." Momo says.

"Yes, your right, I'll assist you. You all will be assigned roles in my clan, so let's see for the pervert I think sandal carrier, will do, as for the rest of you, I'll decide later." Nobuna says

(What jobs should the rest of them have?)

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