2. Not All Secrets Are Bad

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    Tharn made his way back to the his apartment after the rough night he had with Red and Shen.

    He couldn't get the whole Type thing off of his mind. Why was he thinking of his homophobic roommate while kissing an incredibly cute boy?

    He was quiet when he entered the room, on an account of it being almost two a clock in the morning.

    He sighed deeply and plopped down on his bed, face first. He turned his head to face Type's bed.

    Type was sleeping soundly. Hid forehead didn't have wrinkles due to scowling. He was making a disgusted face at him. He looked peaceful.

    "Why are you so cute?" Tharn asked in a whisper before drifting off to sleep.

    The next morning, he awoken by a loud bang the next morning.

    He groaned and opened his eyes, squinting from the sunlight from the wide open curtains.

    Type's bed was empty and made, so the loud bang was probably him leaving for class. There was defiantly no way he was going to class, though.

    He slowly pushed himself up, sniffling a little, trying not to vomit. He had drunk a lot last night and was sore for some reason. Maybe two at once wasn't for him.

    He grabbed a fresh towel out of his closet and made his way to the bathroom, relishing in the warm water come from the shower head.

    When he exited the shower, with only a towel wrapped around his waist, Type was sitting at his desk while Techno relaxed on his bed.

    He froze when he saw them. Techno smiled wide.

    "Ow. Tharn, you look like you had fun last night." He commented, gesturing to Tharn's chest that was covered in pinkish purple, bruise like marks.

    Type rolled his eyes and groaned. "Disgusting." He muttered under his breath.

    Techno smacked his friend on the shoulder. "Type." He whined.

    "It's okay, Techno. At least I didn't bring them here." Tharn said grabbing some clean clothes. "Or maybe you're just jealous. Maybe you wanted me too." He teased.

    Type stood and cursed at him. Techno jumped up, grabbing a hold of Type's shoulder, ready to hold his best friend back, if need be.

    "I would never touch you in my entire life. I would want to be infected." Type said with the most disgusted look on his face any human could have.

    "I hear you, but I'm not listening." Tharn said before entering back into the bathroom.

    Type let out a small growl and grabbed his backpack. "Let's go. I got what I needed."

    Techno's eyes lingered on the bathroom and then on his best friend. Jealous?

    He shook the thoughts out of his head and continued to follow his friend back to the university.

    After classes were over, Techno and Type went to the small cafe near the university, since Techno had been complaining about being hungry.

    "Type, I have a question."

    "What?" Type asked, a little annoyed to be there, but at least he didn't have to be at the dorm with Tharn.

    "Why do you really hate Tharn?" Techno questioned, shoveling some food into his mouth.

    "What do you mean? He's gay. You know I hate them."

    Techno shrugged. "I'm just saying that there's a thin line between love and hate."

    "Asshole." Type said through his teeth. "What the fuck do you mean? Love? I love to hate him."

    Techno shrugged. "I'm just saying."

    "Well, stop just saying. Just shut up and eat." Type said glaring at him.

    Him liking Tharn? In this universe? In any universe? Over his own dead body.

    He shoveled food into his mouth and they were silent for the rest the time they were there.

    When they were done, they parted ways and Type made his way back to his dorm, walking as slow as possible.

    When he reached the dorm, the door was locked. He groaned and banged on the door.

    "Tharn!" He yelled through the door.

    He growled and pulled out his key, quickly jamming it into the keyhole and unlocking it.

    When he swung the door open, freezing as he stared at Tharn pulling up his pants from around his knees. A boy getting off the ground from in front of Tharn.

    Tharn quickly pulled his pants up the rest of the way and the boy put his discarded shirt back on.

    Type glared at Tharn before slamming the door shut at he exited the room, practically running back downstairs.

    He groaned and called for a taxi to fake him to Techno's.

    "He brought one of those fags back to the room." Type complained as he and Techno sat on the floor in his bedroom playing a video game on the TV.

    "Type, maybe you should calm down. I'm sure you would probably do the same thing with some girl." Techno tried to reason.

    "Like hell I would." Type shot back. "Why can't he just be straight? It's not that hard. Just have sex with women."

    "Why can't you be gay? It's not that hard. Just have sex with men."

    "Hey, asshole. Who's side are you on?" Type questioned.

    "Yours, of course. You're my best friend. I just think you're going a little over board on this gay thing. What happened that made you have gay people so much?" Techno questioned.

    Type glared at him before grabbing a small bag of chips and throwing it at him.

    "Just shove this in your mouth and shut up." Type said, turning his attention back to the game.

    "It'll be quick and won't hurt a bit." His voice whispered in his ear before he felt something wet along his jaw.

    "Please." Type cried softly. "Please just let me go. I won't tell my mom."

    "There's no need to be afraid. Remember what I told you? Not all secrets are bad."


Thoughts on this chapter?

So, Type getting raped is kind of a major point in the original book and tv series so I'm keeping that it, but I am changing it up majority.

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