Chapter Eight

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Chapter Eight

When someone dies, a part of you is buried along with them. I never got to say goodbye, I wasn’t even done saying hello. That’s the thing about introductions, you never know if it will be your first or your last, better make it good is what I always say. I live by my greetings. I live by my words. Because I never know if I’m to be silenced. I never know when my time will come. –Joyce Alfero


            Indescribable pain hit me square in the chest. I tried to breathe but it hurt. With a moan I turned on my side and puked, my chest constricting as if I had an elephant sitting on it.

            Memories of Joyce flashed.

            Opening the door.

            Seeing some of the Nicolasi men.

            And then the gunshot.

            “Joyce!” I yelled, “Joyce!”

            “She’s safe.” A familiar voice said to my right. I blinked my eyes open, the room blurred.

            “Frank?” I whispered. “What the hell happened?”

            “Life.” He licked his lips. “And some death.”

            I reached for my chest, it was bandaged, meaning at least I wasn’t’ hallucinating. “I want to see Joyce.”

            “I’m afraid…” Frank leaned forward and folded his hands on the bed. “That I can’t let you see her, not yet.”


            “—you damn near died.” He said with a curse. “You were found just in time and those Nicolasi bastards—“

            “—they were our allies.”

            Frank nodded, “They still can be.”


            “Your numbers been called.”

            “I don’t understand.” The pain was messing with my logic, with my emotions. All I could think about was getting back to Joyce, making sure she was untouched, making sure she knew I loved her with every fiber of my being.

            “As boss.” Frank tapped his chin. “They’ve put your name in, they want you.”

            I shook my head and clenched my teeth. “Impossible. I’m not blood.”

            “For once, the family doesn’t care. Men are talking…they see the Nicolasi Family as weak, the other families want to pounce.”

            “Which ones?”
            “The Abandantos are readying their foot soldiers right this moment.” Frank swallowed slowly. “The Nicolasi family has agreed to leave as long as you lead them..In Sicily.”

            “No.” I shook my head. “Absolutely not….Joyce is here, I can’t just—“

            “—I didn’t want to have to do this.” Frank ran his hands over his face and winced. “Damn but I didn’t want to have to do this.”

            He motioned behind him.

            A door opened.

            Equipment was rolled in.

            “What the hell?” I gasped.

            And then the recording started.

            Of Joyce and Frank.

            “Why are you here Frank? I won the wager, remember?”

            “Ah yes…” I leaned back, “The Wager, tell me, how was my brother in bed? Did he cry afterwards?”

            “You’re an ass!” She hissed.

            “I’m the ass?” I leaned forward, “I’m the ass? I didn’t lure a man to my bed under false pretenses.”

            “They weren’t false.”

            “I also didn’t seduce a twenty one year old kid for money.”

            “Leave me.” Her color was high. “Now.”

            “Is that how it’s gonna be Joyce? You’re going to play with your new toy until you get bored?”

            “Enough!” I yelled, “Enough!”

            My entire body shook with rage. So it was all a game to her? A way to win money?

            God, she must have laughed when I told her I loved her. When I showed her my shit apartment and promised her forever. I held the tears in, allowing the rage to take over as I clenched the blankets in my hands.

            “I’m sorry, Luca.” Frank hung his head, “Had I any idea your true feelings I would have---“

            “—I’ll do it.”


            I had nothing more to live for.

            I’d gambled and lost.

            She’d used me.

            And taken my heart in the process leaving me with nothing but darkness, rage, and the insane need for revenge.

            “Luca, take some time to think—“

            “—No.” I roared, “No!” I pounded my fists against the mattress of the bed. “I leave as soon as I’m able. I’ll take over. It’s my right. My destiny.”

            Franks eyes flashed. “Good. That’s good.”

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