5. Aiden

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When Cora was 12, she started middle school and fell in love with Aiden. She was too shy to admit it or ask him out so she gave a note to one of her friends to give to him. He thought the note was from Cora's friend and ended up dating her. They continued to date for two more years. When Cora and Aiden got to 8th grade, (one year later)  he and Cora's ex friend broke up and Aiden asked Cora out. She was still in love with him so she said yes. They dated for a week then he friend zoned her and was also cheating on her with her cousin and ex friend. Over the summer, they dated again and she broke up with him because the cheating hallened again and he said she was "too poor" for him. She told herself she'll seriously never date again. She was wrong,  once again.

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