--PART 35--

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I woke up at my room and a slightly dizzy head. On my side someone had fallen asleep holding my hand. It was Jungkook. I'm not surprised that its him because given to what he had done to from the start the we met again he seemed really sincere that he did change. And I honestly believe that.

I smiled at this cute bunny. I lifted up my other hand and gently stroked his hair. His eyes twitched and slowly he woke up. Saw my other hand, holded it then kissed it. I blushed at the unexpected action he did. He started to sit up straight while linking both our hands.

Jungkook: You okay now?

I hummed in response, mumbling 'yes' to him.

Jungkook: The doc said you had a panic attack and your okay atm. He also said that you should get some rest a lot.

Me: *chuckles* Thanks for the info Kookie

I slightly tensed up by what I had called him. He frozed and the atmosphere that surrounded us tensed.

Jungkook: Did you just call me 'Kookie'?

Oh sht.

Me: Umm... Why is it wrong to call you that? Armys call you 'Kookie' sooo...

Jungkook: Oh okay nvm. But I have to ask you something...

Me: Okay spill

Jungkook: Well, I decided that I want you to be my girlfriend

Me: Wait what?!?

Jungkook: I know that it's a bad timing but just hear me out. I'm not asking you to be my girlfriend but I want you to be. I know I sound like a possesive person and I know I am. I know that you being my girlfriend would make the media go crazy if they found out and I don't want it to be a secret. Hiding you and not proudly introducing to the world that you are my girl, I don't want that. Also you having amnesia means I can make a new start.

Me: A new start? What do you mean?

I know what he meant. He sighs.

Jungkook: I don't want to blow your head with the information you are going to know the moment you had literally woken up from a panic attack and I also want you to retrieve your memories by yourself but I'm to impatient. I missed you Y/n... so fckin much.

His eyes started to get watery as he continued and tears started to flow down his cheeks.

My heart slowly breaking seeing him in this state because of me. I started to wipe his tears and caressed his cheeks. He holds my hand that is on his cheek. He continues to speak.

Jungkook: Before you had amnesia. We we're in a relationship. A relationship that had been ruined by an assh*le, and that assh*le is me. I had regretted doing it until this very day because I know that I was in the wrong to do that to you. Me being with girls whenever you're not around and I know you saw me but you always give me a chance. The hurt in your eyes was unexplainable to describe when you look me in the eye. Knowing a person like you was stuck with jerk like me to make you breakdown. But in the end, you left. I know that the reason you left is because you're tired of being in pain with me around and when you left I was in a mess, I admit. I stopped all the nonesense I did because I realized the one I love had left me because of me. I realized that people will get tired and if that day comes then thats the day that is too late. Then they announced you're death. That I was in edge of killing myself, I want to be with you. But I thought that I want you're to be a symbol that you're just there watching over me and guiding me to where I am now. I didn't want your death be wasted. But now you're here, right here with me and I'm glad you're here. You have every right to do whatever you please,  slap me, hit me, anything but please don't leave me again.

Jungkook heaved a big breath. He stuttered a lot. He was really a total mess. But I'm glad that he changed for the better than for the worst when I was not there in his side.

I wiped his tear stained face. While I myself was tearing up by his words.

Jungkook: Why are you crying?? Is it because of me? I'm sorry for making you cry.

He stuttered at some words. And I replied...

Me: Jungkook...

He hummed and wiped his eye while I stare at him with a gentle smile.

Me: ... I'm glad you told me this. I'm glad that you changed for the better. I'm glad that you didn't gave up on me and yourself. Thank you so much

And I hugged him and cried out.

Jungkook: You remember??

I nodded.

Me: Yes since the day Momo bursted everything to me

Jungkook: *sighs* I'm really sorry Y/n-ah. I'm sorry for everything that I have done to you.

Me: Kookie... Don't worry I forgive you and I know to myself that you have changed the moment I left.

Jungkook: *smiles and hugs me* Don't ever leave me again...

Me: I won't

Jungkook: Y/n? *still hugging me*

Y/n: Yes??

Jungkook: Have you forgotten?

Y/n: About what??

Jungkook: I still want you back. I still want you to be my mine. I still want you to be my girl, and my girl only...

To be continued...

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