How you met

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Joel Pimentel: The grocery store

You're grocery shopping with your roommate and your eye catches a sign that says Avocados are on sale. You being you, basically race down there with your cart and as you're approaching the avocados your cart bumps into another. To lighten the mood a little bit you say

"Are you trying to guac block me?" You internally cringe for even making a joke like that to a stranger and especially in public, but when you look up and see a curly-headed boy with the cutest smile on his face standing in front of you, you began to wish the floor would swallow you. Surprisingly he lets out a laugh and apologizes for bumping into you. You guys continue talking for a little while before you hear your phone chime. You look down to see its [RN] wondering where you are. You tell him that you have to go.

"It was nice meeting you..."



"I hope I see you around"

Christopher Velez : Halloween party

You and some of your girlfriends decided to crash a Halloween party you heard about from some friends that would be in attendance. You show up and fit right in. You head to the bar to have a drink as your friends are mingling. One of your friends is standing in a corner talking to 3 boys who are looking over in your direction. Soon after she leaves them to come over to you.

"Y/N let me introduce you to someone"

she drags you across the room back to the three guys and introduces you to them.

"...and this is Christopher"


He gives you a cute little smile. Your friend makes a joke about how your costumes can basically pass for a couples costume to which he replies "At least let me take her on a date first"

Zabdiel De Jesus : Pet Store

You recently adopted a puppy named Tiger and you decided to take tiger with you to the pet store to get some toys and other necessities. As you're scanning the toys that you think will suit him perfectly, you briefly put him down to pick up and inspect a puppy bed. You hear Tiger bark once and take off down the aisle. You call out to him but he keeps running. You take off after him.


Just as you caught up to him you see a cute blonde guy sitting on the floor in the middle of the aisle playing with two puppies one being your little Tiger.

"Is he yours?"

"Yes," you chuckle.

" Que lindo" He lets out the most adorable giggle as tiger jumps up and licks his face in excitement, the other puppy cradled in his arms.

"His name is Tiger"

You learn that his name is Zabdiel, his puppy's name is Bubbles and he's there for the same reason that you are. You guys walk around together for a little while until his friends return from playing with the other animals. Before you can part ways he asks if you and Tiger would want to join them at the park.

Richard Camacho: Dance Studio

The boys are there to rehearse for their world tour and you're there for your dance classes with Matt Steffanina. The boys are taking a break as you're going over the choreography after class. He passes by the studio you're using and sees you in there dancing by yourself and can't help but watch. Standing in the door opening he leans against another door which slams open. You immediately stop dancing and he flinches.

"Oh carry on shorty don't let me stop you"

You chuckle. He goes onto ask about you, and what song that choreography was meant for. You gather your belongings and as you're about to walk by him you smirk and say

"Pegao by CNCO"

Erick Colon: On Tour

You were hired as the photographer for CNCO's tour in your country. Being a fan you were obviously very excited. Not only were you taking pictures of the show but also of them exploring the City and interacting with fans. You join them around the city and Erick basically says you're their personal tour guide for the day. You show them all the cool places in town and Erick ask what your favorite place to visit is and asks you to take them there.
You take them to pier where all of them run off in different directions except for Erick. Instead he pulls you towards this giant stand and says
"If I win, you have to go on a date with me"

"And if you don't?" You laugh

"I will, mírame"

You're cheering him on from the side and before you even know it he yells


Not only did he win the giant unicorn but he also won a date with you ;)

Manuel Turizo: A parking lot

You spent the day at a studio with one of your friends. You're about to leave to get you guys something to eat, you pull out of your parking space and drive towards the exit when you're rear ended by a Range Rover. You're furious and before you even take in what just happened you hop out of your Jeep and start yelling at him to get out of the car.
He hops out and apologizes but it's going in one ear and out the other. You're rambling about the damage done to your car although not visible. How the hell could he hit you when you were barely moving but when you look up and make eye contact he's smiling at you.

"Oh this is funny isn't it?"

"I can see the steam coming out of your ears querida"

He goes onto to tell you that he'll pay for everything and so said so done. Turns out you got lucky that he just "tapped"your bumper. However he still offered to take you out to get food, on him.

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