There I stood in the rain, outside the store.
You slowed as you passed me, a quick smile flashing, then you were gone.
I sighed, admiring your looks, even as I wondered who you were, but I retreated as the rain began to pour.
As I rubbed my hands together, I heard footsteps, thinking them to belong to my friend I turned, only to find it was you, your smile like that of the coming dawn.
I first noticed your warm, slightly unsure smile, but it was your flashing green eyes that entranced me.
You offered your hand as a Lady would, fingers down so that I may take them and kiss them, which I did, much to my surprise.
You blushed and looked down, yet quickly regained yourself and stared into my eyes with such intensity that I wondered what you could possibly see.
We introduced ourselves, but it was clear that you were in control, which, perhaps, was wise.
You were so pale, like that of a vampire from lore.
You pulled back your hood and shook your locks loose.
Your beauty touched me someplace deep within my core.
Then we were interrupted by my friend, whose manners closely resemble that of a moose.
You stood to the side as he said hi, never giving you a second glance, yet you smiled to me and said that you hoped to see me again.
I stayed behind for just a moment, feeling uncertain, as I always do, yet I followed this impulse and kissed you.
You were surprised, but soon returned it, afterwards flashing me a pleased grin.
I felt my heart flutter, and fear flooded me, but I pushed it down as I ran after my friend, hoping I would see you too.
Lucrecia's Legacy
Romancea series of short stories about an autumn love affair. Background vector created by Sketchepedia