What A Wonderful World-Chapter Eighteen (KISS x Author/Reader)

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Me, Vinnie Vincent, Tommy Thayer, and Vixen91 were all exploring the heart of the jungle in India.

I saw many monkeys in the trees as they were eating fruit and swinging by their long tails.

A herd of Indian elephants moved across the road from us as our tour guide drove us all across the area.

The windows on the safari car were closed tight so that the animals didn't try to hurt us or the blood sucking mosquitoes wouldn't give us Malaria.

I was giggling at Vinnie, who was confused at why I was laughing so much.

"I think she's feeling happy that you're with her on this trip".

Tommy said to the ankh warrior as he smiled at Vixen91, who wrapped her arms around his shoulders.

Vinnie soon understood what the second spaceman was saying.

He wrapped his arm around me and I turned around and looked over at him with a confused facial expression.

"Vinnie, you're not trying to cause me any mischief are you"?

Everyone else just chuckled as Vinnie blushed slightly and then he kissed my cheek.

"Awww, I love you too Ankh Warrior".

Then, my cellphone rang and it was Paul calling from a phone signal station in the museum of ancient artifacts.

"There's a thunderstorm on the way here, so I think you guys need to head on back".

"Aww, but I wanted to see the tigers. "And I promised Eli that I would send some pictures that I'm take with my special camera".

Gene Simmons and Eric Singer were both sitting on a bench eating out of a bag of potato chip, and they laughed at my cute behavior.

"Alright, fine. You and the others can look for the tigers, but you must promise me that you'll turn around and come straight back to the museum. Understand"?

"Under what"?

I asked him.


All of a sudden, we all heard Eric Singer laughing his ass off at my funny joke.

"Hahahaha, she made you you say "underwear"!

Several people were beginning to look at him, not understanding what the hell was that shorter man with the cat makeup saying.

Me and Vinnie started to snicker and then Tommy said goodbye to Paul Stanley.

And then, I hung up the call.

Vixen91 saw that we were coming in close to tiger territory.

She went up to the tour guide and asked him to go to that specific area so that her friend could take pictures.

The tour guide smiled and he said that he would be delighted to do that for us.

I was excited and then I saw a male Siberian tiger marking its territory on a tree.

It looked up at us with curiosity, and then went on it's way.

Then, I began to squeal with joy at the most adorable sight.

A mother tiger was sitting in a den with her babies.

The tiger cubs all had black stripes on them, just like the adults did.

"Okay Emily. Calm down. We don't want to accidentally scare them".

Vinnie laughed softly as he watched me snap a few photos with my camera.

The tiger family didn't seem as interested in the strange creatures riding in a moving vehicle with the flashing lights.

The baby tigers were wrestling with each other and it was so cute!

After that, Tommy noticed the gray clouds in the sky.

"Looks like rain, we better be heading back to the museum of ancient artifacts".

So, Vixen91 got up from her seat once again and spoke to the tour guide.

He nodded his head and smiled at us all, and then turned the safari vehicle around to drive us back where we had gone before.

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