Author's Note

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1st edit: April 23,2022

2nd edit: May 8, 2024

3rd edit: June 24, 2024

Hey lovely readers! It is such a joy to see how many of you continue to add this book to your reading lists on a daily basis. Your support truly warms my heart. Thank you all so much.

This is an overdue announcement: as you can see by the title, the book's name has changed! For the OG readers, the book was previously titled "Jesus Christ Saves," but it has been changed after consultation with God.

Becoming His Ambassador will be officially published on Amazon on July 22, 2024.

Consequently, the entire book is no longer available on Wattpad. I apologize for any inconvenience this may cause in your reading journey. However, on the bright side, you'll soon have the opportunity to grab a hard copy of this book, allowing you to immerse yourself without the distractions of your device. Thank you for your understanding and continued support!


Becoming His Ambassador is a guide that wholeheartedly embraces and upholds the teachings of Christianity. It's important to note that despite its Christian foundation, this book is intended for everyone.

Whether you're a devout follower of Christ, an atheist, or a believer in other faiths, I invite you to explore the principles and messages within these pages.

As the author, I am dedicated to promoting the values of Christianity, including love, compassion, and understanding. However, I also respect the diversity of beliefs and perspectives held by each individual.

Regardless of your background or beliefs, I hope that Becoming His Ambassador provides you with insight, inspiration, and perhaps even a deeper understanding of Christianity.

If you've made it this far, you've earned a FREE invitation to become a part of my ministry, His Ambassadors Ministry. This is a growing community of Christians who are on a mission to become better versions of themselves and Christ's representatives. We are currently operating on WhatsApp, and we have a YouTube channel that will be operational soon. We are waiting on YOU.

Click the link below to become a member. ❤ 

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