twilight love- edward and bella

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this is how i want my version of twilight to go. bella and edward are truely in love and well lets just say, bella's still human and emmet keeps taunting edward about the sex thing, bella wants to try with edward and he finallly agree's. P.S, there not married yet :0 big no no, but edward doesnt care any more, he loves bella!!!


"i don't see what the problem is, you obviously want to 'do it' with her edward, so why wont you?" he boomed out loudly. i punched him in the face and i heard him curse quietly.

"shut up emmet, someone will hear!" i mumbled emmbarassed. "aww is my poor bro embarassed, dont worry eddy boy, i won't tell bella your craving her body." he said winking "thats the problem emmet, she wants me that way to!" i whispered in a hard tone " then whats the problem, you both love each other like fricking crazy, and your never gunna want anyone else." he shouted, " emmet 1: please keep it down and 2: i dont want to hurt her." i looked down at my hands sheepishly and and played with my fingeres absent mindedly as emmet stared at me, " Edward i know you. and you would never hurt bella. even im not that thick to notice that you love her so much that even if you wanted to, you couldn't hurt her" he looked into my eyes and put a hand on my shoulder," you can do it bro, i believe you wont hurt her, so please quench both of your needs, i cant be happy if i keep seeing you moping around the house, anyway its just a thought but,  you could ask bella to move in? i love having my sister around, i know your not married but she feels like my sister, you know what i mean?" he said in a innocent voice. "for once emmet, i think your right. i love bella, and unbelivably, she loves me back." i said in a intruiged voice," im going to bella's mom" i called to esme "ok darling, love you sweety" she called back to me.

it was 10 o'clock when i reached bella's. she was downstairs with charlie, he was giving her pep talk about responsability ( if you know what i mean?) and bella's face was bright scarlet red."bells just tell me your being carefull, i dont want to come home one day and find out im gunna be grandad" he said sternly " Dad i'm pretty sure you dont have to worry about that" she said confidently " and anyway edwards not like that, he's pretty old fasioned" she said with a smile on her lips, i chuckled to myself. "oh, great, is that like a code for something.." he said impatiently "omg, dad... im a virgin" she blurted out. "oh, that was unexpected," he huffed  "oh, well im so glad you think so highly of me dad, now if you excuse me, im going to bed." she turned around from her dad and i could o longer see her face. when she was out of sight i jumped in through her window and waited for her to stumble her way up the stairs.

she opened the door and smiled impishly, but then the smile faded and she gasped. "you heard every word of that didn't you" she whispered, totally embarresed. "yep, but dont worry, i just got the sex talk off emmet so your not on your own" i laughed, bella started laughing and she wrapped her arms around my neck. i pulled her tighter to me and i pressed my lips to her's and our breathing became quicker, i pulled away and i smiled at her, she smiled back and i kissed her nose. " i need a shower" she said innocently. "do you  want to join me" she said giving me puppy dog eyes. i chuckled "it would be my pleasure madame, but how about we go back to my house, then we can atleast be free listening ears." i said in a suductive voice, she looked dazzled as she put it and she nodded. i cradled her in my arms and i jumped from her window.

we reached my house at half ten and emmet was sitting on the sofa flicking through the channels "whats up bella?" he asked wiggeling his eyebrows " she blushed and answered" nothing much, you?" he chuckled and looked at me " nothing, im going of with rosalie in a minute." bella laughed and i rolled my eyes, " too much infomation em!" i muttered "were are the rest of them" i asked curiously, " they all just left to go hunting, but me and rose hunted with you yesterday, so were going to go take a little trip" he said with a grin. i gagged and i took bella into the kitchen. " you hungry" i asked " a little" she said. we regulary stocked the fridge up for bella, just incase she came for a sleepover with alice when we went hunting. she took an apple from the bowl and we walked back to emmet, she sat down next to him and emmet pulled her into a massive bear hug. " you know i miss, having you around here, you should come round here alot more often... alot more." bella looked confused by the comment, but i knew what em was talking about " you want her to move in that badly?" i said to low for bella to hear. "emmet nodded once and i rolled my eyes once again. bella finished her apple and walked into the kitchen to throw the core in the bin. she then came and lounged across my lap and snuggled into my chest. i held her in my arms and stroked her hair.she turned around and she kissed me fully on the lips.we kissed for around five minutes before emmet cut in and said "get a room you too" i glance up, still kissing bella and mouthed the words "fuck off emmet" i went back to kissing bella and i hugged her closer to me. she put both of our heads together and we whispered at the same time "i love you" she giggled and kissed me was around 2 minutes later before rosalie waltzed in and and made a choking noise, bella blushed and pulled awayand glanced at rosalie and mumbled a quick  "sorry." she looked at me and looked up to the ceiling. i knew what she was getting at, i picked her up of the couch and i cradled her to my chest. i zoomed up the stairs at inhuman speed and we ended up in my over sized bathroom-which i never needed to use- and i turned the shower on. bella smiled a huge grin and and i pulled her into my arms, we kissed as the shower heated up and our kisses-if possible- got more passionate.she started to unbutton my shirt and i shrugged it of. we both started laughing, as i lifted bella's top off, my fingers trailed down the side of her body and i hitched both of her legs around my waist, i walked into the shower and we took the rest of our clothes and i she trailed her hand down my stomach and around my waist i kissed her neck and collarbone and she lifted my head back to her lips and we carried on into bliss.

the shower water started to go cold so i turned the water off and i carried bella out of the shower and i put a towel around us both and we kissed again, we carried on in my bedroom, and bella later after that fell asleep in my arms. she looked so peacefull, i heard the others about a mile away in the woods and i knew they would be here soon. i got dressed quickly and dressed in a pair of faded jeans and a tight fiting grey top, showing of my six pack, i put an open shirt over that, and i went and kissed bella's lips softly and sroked her face, she started mumbling in her sleep and she smiled as she said in her sleep " i love you edward " she turned over, to a human it would be quite cold so i lifted the quilt over her naked body and walked down the stairs, carlisle walked through the door and stoped when he heard a heartbeat, "its bella," i said in a hushed voice. carlisle looked at me and asked me head why she was over "umm.." i said looking embarassed i looked up and carlisle soon got it, "oooohhhh" he said smirking a bit. esme followed through the door soon after carlisle and jasper and alice soon followed suite. alice looked at me with a confused look, " arn't you normally at bella's?" she asked curiously, "she's upstairs" i said , in confidence this time, why sould i be embarrased i loved bella, so fuck everybody else. " awwwww" alice squeeled "thats so sweet edward, you let her sleep over?" oh my god did she really have no idea why bella was hear. "oh, now i know why " she said winking at me. i rolled my eyes and i never heard emmet and rosalie return. "wow, that was amazing!!" emmet boomed very loudly as he walked through the door. irushed over to him and put my hand over his mouth i listened quietly, and we all held our breath to see if em had woken up bella, i thought it was ok until i heard my angel call my name "edward?" she asked in a small voice "great, thanks emmet!" i said acidly i turned away and made my way to the stairs. i heard emmet laugh and he whispered in a loud whisper "someones lost his verginity" he chuckled again and that did it. i snached up esme's vase and i smashed it at emmets head. i was in his face in the next half second and jabbed a finger in his chest, "say that again and i will rip your head off, and yes i did and so did bella, have you got a problem with that emmet " emmet was in total shock and so were the otheres. " yes sir " he said in an outstanded voice "good" i said and with that i walked off to get bella.

         bella looked disorientated untill she saw my face, " hey " she said smiling widely, she sat up as i sat on the bed. i took her face in my hands and i kissed her softly, "how are you this morning?" she asked. -it was 2 o'clock in the moring- "im ok now your awake again", i said in an ashamed voice. she brought the quilt over the top of her naked body and she cuped my face. "whats wrong sweety?" she asked " i just smashed a vase over emmets head" i mumbled "what did he do now?" she sighed in an amused tone, " stuff" i said "what sort of stuff?" she said questionally " he was teasing me about loosing verginity" i mummered, "well if he wants to tease you he will have to tease me, cos i just lost my verginity too!" she hissed in a menacing voice-like from the begging and angry kitten pretending to be a tiger-" its ok sweetheart, i'll go appologise later." i laid down next to her and she snuggled into my chest once again and i wrapped my arms around her keeping her close to me.

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