will i be homeless?

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we were snuggled up on edwards bed when my stomach growled. I laughed and so did edward,"breakfast time for the human?"

"please" i said laughing still.

"you need some clothes tho, every one else is downstairs"

"my clothes are in the bathroom arn't they ?" i asked curiously.

"ummm...i kind of ripped them and you teared mine" i giggled and i called alice. alice was at the door within seconds and she knocked quietly, "come in" i said edward laughed but then covered his mouth.

i pulled the covers up over my chest as alice walked in and i grinned silently. "morning love birds" she said loudly " you need some clothes bella?"

"uhhh, yes please ali, just a pair of jeans and a top please" i asked politley. "ok bella"

she came back with a pair of black skinny jeans, blue ballet pumps and a dark blue silk top. "alice, im staying around the house, im not going out anywhere special!" i nearly shouted "just get dressed bella" alice said as she rolled her eyes, i got out of bed and edward gasped. "what?" i asked suddenly, he jumped of the bed and and was infront of me instantly. "your absolutly beautiful, thats what, its criminal!"  i giggled and kissed him passionatly and he hitched my legs around his waist. i tokk his clothes of and again we made love.while i was moaning with desire in bed i galanced at his clock and i was shocked to find it was 6 o'clock in the morning "crap!" i whispered "what?" edward asked kissing my stomach and stiffened and looked me in the eyes "did i hurt you?" he asked in a pained voice. "no of course you didn't!" he kissed me on the lips "then whats wrong?" he asked looking at me with those dazzling eyes. "charlie will be awake and wondering were i am" and if to back me up my phone vibrated on the bed side cabinate "hello?" i asked "bella, were the fuck are you?"

"calm down charlie, im at edwards" i yelled down the phone "you better not be in bed with him young lady or will shoot you both!" he too yelled down the phone " as a matter of fact i am, so what are you going to do about it, i love him more than anything, im eighteen and you don't own me" i yelled back, a tear forming in my eye. "if you dont come home this instant then you wont have home anymore, he is no good for you bella."

"you dont know whats good for me charlie! you thought i loved jacob black for fuck sake. you know nothing about me, and you never will know anything about me, cos im not coming home , im staying in bed with the boy i love and the boy i intend on loving for eternity!" i growled down the phone. i shut my phone and charlie txt me. "bella, dont bother coming home, your clothes will be on the doorstep."

"do i still have a home?" i asked edward in a tiny voice. edwards voice looked horrified "he threw you out ?"

"yes" i answered, a tear trickling down my eye. "bella, you are always going to be here from now on, i wont have you go anywhere else... we better go tell esme she has a knew family member"

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