Michelle's Diary: Garbage Day

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I woke up to the alarm clock almost falling off of my nightstand again this week. Oh god, I thought, they'll be getting up soon for sure. I rushed out of bed and peeked through the glass of the front door. Already two houses had their garbage out. They never get up this early-why would they be up this early? Were they hoping to try and "accidentally" run into me again while I was taking out my garbage too? Why would they do that though? Is there another thing Gary wanted to talk about? I mean we chatted last week, what more is there to say to each other so soon and why does he even care? Or maybe Cindy thought I was being weird at that barbecue last month. What am I talking about, I was acting completely normal. So what would she want to talk about by getting up so early? Forget that thought, just get the bags and bins handy and let's finish this before the others wake up.


Was that a garage opening?

Why are they all waking up so early, I swear they planned it. No that's insane, they could just knock on my door if they wanted to talk about something. Then again I probably wouldn't answer and just pretend I'm not home like usual. Oh crap it's Evan and Meg, of course they'd want to catch me taking out the garbage. They always have so many dumb questions and want to know what I'm planning to do this weekend. What do they think I am, a serial killer? I'm planning nothing. Alright they're almost done. I'll have to rush out before somebody else decides to make me wait. I should have set the alarm clock to go off earlier. I feel like I'm saying that every week since she's been missing...

Wednesday, October 2nd, 2019

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